
Showing posts from September, 2011

Sand (poem)

I don't think it's quite enough or finished, but it hasn't gone anywhere for several days, so I think I'm going to leave it be. Later, if I come up with more, I'll just add it like a part two. Sand An endless beach of minute stones hardened and capable of inciting groans each one unique and drowning by the sea all become uniform sharing the same folly you take the gritty sand of me and refine to create a window through which to see when they look through me it's you they see you they see, you not me their reflection in the glass their true desire as a purer class strength fogged by fetid human breath but continuing as greater within the depths a clean creation of clear beauty designed to display but not crudely routinely shattered but never lost remade with remembrance of the cost you take the gritty sand of me and refine to create a window through which to see when they look through me it's you they see you they see, you not me.

Megamind (movie review)

There's not a lot I have to say about Megamind. Watch it! Megamind is another animated film. But I don't recognize it as such. From the first watch it easily claimed a spot in my top 25 favorite movies. Admittedly, I don't watch a ton of movies, but I do watch enough that the top 25 is still pretty special. Here's why Megamind made the cut. Animated movies quite often have people with truly wonderful story ideas behind them, because in most cases they cost a little less to make than regular movies, allowing more people to create them. On the flip side, there are a lot of pretty dumb movies out there for the same reason..... Intro aside, Megamind left a distinctive feeling with me after it was done. Refreshingly original. This isn't entirely a realistic feeling to be left with, but nonetheless that's what I thought of Megamind. The movie plays off of traditional bad versus good epic battle conflicts in the best way possible. It's completely outrag


Missing in action... which doesn't mean killed in action, out of action, or inability to execute action, but simply that whereabouts are unknown. I feel like that describes my last month accurately. I'm not going to start a rant of life's inconveniences or other people's conveniences, and I'm not going to subtly (or not) boast of the trials and tasks that befell on my path and guilt whoever listens into believing I had good reason to be mute, and I'm not going to create a giant list of plausible explanations designed to make you think I did everything on it without directly telling you so... because that is the pride of the flesh even if it's in a subtle see-what-a-hard-working-person-I-am way, and a sin-justified-by-the-need-of-an-answer reason. Instead, for those of you who are here and reading for whatever reason you are, I want to share the personal thoughts spun through my mind this last month. Even if I have never really earnestly used an unattache