
Showing posts from October, 2011

Singin' In The Rain (movie review)

Musical movies are intrinsically different than normal motion pictures, combining as much dancing and singing as regular acting. As such, I don't think I ever watched one without first mentally preparing myself for all the singing, erecting a wall of past experiences resulting in a poor stereotype. Essentially, lowering my expectations. This done, I would watch the musical, and try to enjoy the more recognizable movie side of it. The end result of course, was always negative. Musicals cannot be enjoyed or appreciated without realizing that the primary storytelling role is from the dancing and singing. The regular movie bits I paid attention to are only the little in-between interlude scenes. That said, I really enjoyed Singin' In The Rain. It started out to be the first and the last, the great that donned the mountaintop of musicals in terms of performance and story. And it did it all by winning through comedy, romance, and all-around good cheer. Musicals have been around for

Mist And Steve

I appreciate the sentiment, but sometimes my dear kind elders can be too earnest in their attempt to convey that I have a whole life of potential and achievement ahead of me. Some words of wisdom from James 4:14, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." Steve Jobs recently died, and I figure by now everyone else has moved on, so now is a good time to bring him up again. I look at his life and then think of the expectations and visions people have for me, ideas and sincere hopes of what heights in personal achievement and impact I will reach. Yet in the end, all I see from their viewpoint is a dismal difference between my life as a gold mist or a plain mist. It's still mist, and either way, it will quickly be forgotten. Yes, I do so love those caring people who wish the best, but I have no desire to spend my life being gold mist. They've lived most of their life an

Salt & Sugar

Matthew 5:13, NLT. "You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless." Salt. I do love salt. After enjoying two slices of buttered toast with garlic salt (someone reading is cringing, I'm sure), I'm sitting here eating Santitas chips... which have salt on them. It reminds me of when I was about nine, and while no one was around to tell me I shouldn't, I finally buckled down and ate a spoonful of salt just to prove to myself that I could. What can I say? Stupid now, stupider then. Suffice to say, I don't recommend trying this at home. In the end I did manage to get it down, but it was mostly due to stubborn refusal of the idea of quitting, having come this far already. I did drink several cupfuls of water directly afterwards though. :-) A spoonful of white sugar though... now there's something I tried at an earlier age. Sore throat? S

The End Of Games (part 2)

I'm not gonna lie... I've second guessed my decision a few times since the last post. And I can hardly believe how many days have already gone by since then. Despite any demonic attempts to re-shackle me with fond addiction- and I easily/freely call it that- I haven't reneged on my decision because of God's refining work, which has soundly reached the point where video games are wholly less appealing than following Christ. Hallelujah! This single point is the largest reason for my resolution.  Just to clarify, as I never explicitly said what I decided (because honestly I hadn't yet), here's my conclusion, which is best described by what my decision is not . I am not ruling out ever playing video games again. Might sound contrary to what I'm talking about, but making a decision like that is just asking to fail. It's legalistic, self-will fueled, motivated by law, and guaranteed to make me eat my words later. Not something I like to do when I like wor

The End Of Games (part 1)

At last. At long, long, last. The end of games. But first, a brief history and fond memoir. I've played through many, many games. Most of which deserve no mention at all; however, some do. There is a little, sadness, at having only experienced primarily pc and ps2 platforms though, so this epitaph can only highlight a few of those platforms achievements. And by the way, if you're still playing either of these platforms, the following might prove to be highly interesting... It all started with the original Civilization. I wouldn't put it on the list of greats but it does deserve credit for what it started. By the time I met Civ II, I knew the ropes. The rest, is history. In order to hold to the promise of "brief", I'm going to use a somewhat chronological list of the best games I've ever encountered, with short additions. Civ 2. (in which I mastered deity difficulty, for all you civ players out there) Of course all the civ games are pretty good, but