Mist And Steve

I appreciate the sentiment, but sometimes my dear kind elders can be too earnest in their attempt to convey that I have a whole life of potential and achievement ahead of me.

Some words of wisdom from James 4:14, "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."

Steve Jobs recently died, and I figure by now everyone else has moved on, so now is a good time to bring him up again. I look at his life and then think of the expectations and visions people have for me, ideas and sincere hopes of what heights in personal achievement and impact I will reach. Yet in the end, all I see from their viewpoint is a dismal difference between my life as a gold mist or a plain mist. It's still mist, and either way, it will quickly be forgotten.

Yes, I do so love those caring people who wish the best, but I have no desire to spend my life being gold mist. They've lived most of their life and done wonderful things, but I wonder sometimes if they have regret over what they've pursued, and simply wish for me to achieve what they believe they haven't themselves. I think they have already achieved many great things, but are simply looking at life the wrong way. Looking at the mist, and not at what the mist touches.

Isaiah 2:22, "Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?"

And who put the breath in man? There are plans for me, and plans for you, and I believe that the best fulfillment and achievement I can reach is to live with the knowledge that I am but a mist, I will quickly be gone. What lasts is not the mist, but what the mist touches. What it shines, refreshes, cools, cleans, polishes and brightens.

Psalm 144:4, "Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow."

Steve Jobs accomplished great things, but it makes me slightly sad to realize that he was still only a mortal. His golden mist was impressive, and touched many lives, but now it has only to fade. Perhaps he will be remembered in textbooks, encyclopedias and the like, but he has still succumbed to the same death that everyone will inevitably face. A whole life. Maybe he achieved the American dream- which so many look at me and hope something similar for- but apart from making his humble mist gold, where is he now?

Steve Jobs, I wish you were resting in peace, but I know you are not. I am a fool to spend my mist of life in any other pursuit than that of following Christ and lovingly living to draw others to him. You and I are only a mist; gold or plain, it makes little difference. Who will we be before we fade?


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