Why Me? Is a Rhetorical Question

Humanities breath is frail. Empty words void of substance. Our faulty expository persuades others even less than it persuades ourselves, even while we let it deceive us.

Now, I know I just asked this two posts ago, but, why am I a writer?

WHY ME!?!?

The answer to which, is of course, "Because I made you that way."

A long time ago I always wanted to be a police officer. Then I seriously considered pursuing the career of a fireman (which is still a possibility for the future), and then finally decided that my career would be primarily ministry focused. Our finality is never so stable as we assume it to be though, and soon thereafter I resigned myself to a more passive ministry preparation: part-time work, school-finishing, local ministries, and personal growth. Interestingly, some seemingly insignificant detail was also added, I started a blog.

At the risk of sounding cliche, "little did I know".

Little did I know of God's bigger plan for me, a plan that I'm only seeing the beginning of. I know now why I  have a blog, for my writing skills (inadequate as they are) will be used for something in the future that I cannot see, and likely are already being used for something now. So that returns all to the question, WHY ME?

Couldn't I have been something, easier? Like a carpenter, a musician, a garbage man, or a playground installer. All of which, were I actually guided into the field, would probably have me asking still, WHY ME?

However it turns out, (and I highly expect to work all of those jobs sometime in life) it seems writing will be fairly central to my efforts, and some of the plaintive cry of "why me", stems from the weakness of man's words. We cannot convince each other, and we strive even to convince ourselves sometimes.

Concluding point: Scripture should be used all the time as a reference, and not just as an assumed back-up.

At the risk of delaying my plodding blog rate, I hope to always have a verse (when appropriate) for reference to my points, for the Word of God is a two-edged sword, capable of piercing man's souls. Something I have dire need of in a world of lies, deception, and unbelief.

John 18:22-23, "When he had said these things, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand, saying, 'Is that how you answer the high priest?' Jesus answered him, 'If what I said is wrong, bear witness about the wrong; but if what I said is right, why do you strike me?'"

If my words are of scripture, no soul shall be deceived and blinded by my own explanations. This is my hope, the hope of one crying out in the wilderness, "Make straight the way for the Lord."

And if you ever ask the question, "why me", think again. You'll probably find you already have an answer.

(note: an answer, maybe not the only answer :-)


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