A Beautiful Piece

Ah. Good to be back finally. After a full month of summer camp counseling, followed by the fourth of July and a wedding, I'm ready to collapse and collect my thoughts.Unfortunately, with a mind born to ponder on somewhat lifeless analogies dredged from everyday objects and encounters - I simply ran into more things to think about.

The wedding I mentioned was held at an art museum, and this glass piece stopped me for some time.

It was quite beautiful. At first anyway. I'd say it was about a foot and a half in diameter. The designs were symmetrical and went all the way around the piece, and when I looked close I could see there had to be hundreds of cuts on this thing.

As beautiful as it was though, it was also kind of easy to lose focus on looking at it closely, and when I saw it as a whole it looked pretty much like just a chunk of smashed glass. Ugly even.

Very man-made. The thing didn't even serve any purpose other than to look pretty too. Exactly the way the world would have us be. Dress up the outside and cover up the inside, make what's underneath invisible, block transparency and pretend that it's all better this way anyway.

Or would it be more beautiful as a single orb? Flawless? A pure object without blemish, drawing attention to beauty not of the outside, but of it's depths. Displaying what's beautiful because of the lack of embellishment. Beauty from the transparency, showing what it truly is to the core... instead of cover-up lies.

Or perhaps the clarity would beautiful not for its depth, but for its purpose- crafted by a master from a single piece, designed to be a window for people to look through; to look through and see the craftsman.

Those are just some of my first thoughts. What would you add? I have more ideas, but I'd rather hear another perspective. Comments are always welcome!


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