A Time for This and That, and to Start Again

Time has appeared that time is found for such a thing as this, writing. That is, in a reformed and somewhat organized fashion. Much different than defaulting to a "catch all" spiral notebook as the last years have been. Resulting in masses of paper with no organization- building diagrams, half-letters, personal reflections, game concepts, bible studies, all unkindly shoveled together. My tidy half dies as the dominant and undisciplined half shrugs and begins tomorrow's list on the next page. Urgh. We'll only end up crossing out three of those eight to-do's anyway..

Pretty sure it's claimed somewhere (which means something?) that the act of writing helps with memory, efficiency, learning, and a dozen other life-essential tasks. Whatever the case... No longer working fifty plus hours weekly as a grocer changes some life habits. It always helped to stay sane by reminding myself that zillions of people work harder and longer hours than those. Now, I happily throw aside the mantle of helping the urban clueless forage for food as I face transition into working on staff at Bethany Camp.

Although I reminisce on the history of this blog and dedication to compiling each post as an entirely independent and cohesive article formed from personal thoughts, that time is past. Really enthused about new steps right now. For the benefit of those who may care to read some things going on in the life of this guy, well, here you go from now until... I wonder? Although it is certainly for my own benefit as well.

See, I've reverted to part-time as a grocer to monday thru wednesday and part-time as Building and Grounds guy at Bethany thursday thru saturday. I've been involved with this camp ever since first going as a wee camper (or wamper, as I sometimes affectionately call the youth after a few sleep deprived weeks) back at nine years old. One year away learning to drive motorized vehicles- otherwise known as drivers ed- and have been a counselor for camp ever since. Something selfish in me says that swapping five days and fifty some hours for six days and who knows what doesn't calculate quite right, but striving for what you feel led to do does lend a peculiar energy.

One thing is for sure, God will use whoever he chooses. Doesn't matter how inadequate you feel, or know to your marrow; his grace is made perfect in weakness.


  1. Saw an old friend from our writer's group the other day, and you came to mind. Happy to see you're still writing - as eloquently as always, if not more so. With some pretty hefty changes in my own life happening right now, I relate to this post, and I appreciate the reminder that it "doesn't matter how inadequate" I feel - God can still use me and is using me. Makes me grin, realizing I didn't notice you'd posted this until today. If I'd read it on May 9th, it wouldn't have had near the impact.

  2. You're a special person Rachel. I recall seeing you in store some time ago and remembering how much I appreciate your uplifting attitude. I've always written this blog for my own benefit but I'm glad to hear it encourages you! Hope you are safe and well.


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