
Showing posts from November, 2009

A Little Foggy Thought

What do you think of fog? We've had heavy fog the last two days, and I was thinking of some way to use fog as a blog post. Fog, is a result of humidity at ground level being 100%. In essence, it gets so wet that the air can't hold it all, and a cloud forms. A cloud contains tons of water droplets floating in the air. That sounds wacky, but it's true. The fact that a cloud forms is pretty cool, because however many times I've thought of walking on the clouds, I've never realized, we can walk on clouds. It just isn't what it seems like it could be. So how about an analogy? God is like fog, or rather, fog is kind of like God. Fog, like God, is everywhere. But there are some other ideas that aren't quite so obvious. It isn't foggy most of the time. (except in some places) Likewise, God doesn't show himself so prevalently all the time either, but I believe he does sometimes move in and astound us. Showing us that he's all around us even if we can'

Speech On Abortion

(EDIT: I just wanted to bring to attention my added comment, please read that too, if you read this speech. I also added a few words too clarify a paragraph that was rather confusing) This post is a speech on abortion for my speech class. I know I left out a lot, and didn't cover everything, but I wrote truth, and will not repeal truth. I will, however, take criticism and instruction on how to write better, and would appreciate your opinion and information in comments! If you have had an abortion, please remember that you are never to far from God to receive his grace and love. Let him mold you to who he wants you to be, and be comforted by the fact that he sees the whole parade, from beginning to end, and he is in control. He will not condemn you. Without further ado. (whatever that means) No Right To Decide This speech is on the topic of abortion. We will go over a few reasons for why people decide abortion is a good

The Middle

Here's something really cool. What is the shortest chapter of the Bible? Psalms 117. What is the longest chapter of the Bible? Psalms 119. What chapter is in the middle of the Bible? Psalms 118. There are 594 chapters before and after Psalms 118, add these together and you get 1188. Psalms 118:8 is the middle verse, and says, "It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. Way cool. God would put his will in the center of his word. Note: Facts aren't based on the KJV, I'm checking around the internet, trying to find exact references, but if this isn't completely exact, it's at least very close. And it is cool. Ben

Start A Journal

Have you ever thought about keeping a journal? If you haven't then, well, maybe you will now that someone's brought up the idea. If you have though, various thoughts may have plagued your mind. Questions and objections sure plagued my cranium when the idea occurred to me. Maybe some of these occurred to you. "A journal? That takes to much time." "My fingers will crumple! Seriously! That much handwriting really hurts." "What do you even write about?" "My life is so boring there isn't anything to write about anyway." "This means I'm going to have to find something to write in and something to write with. That's hard. Like, I might even have to buy something !" "Other people will read my journal. I don't want that!" "Who keeps a journal anyway?" "My dog will eat it though. And he might get sick!" I suppose now I must answer these as best I can. Except maybe the last one. :) So, it ta

A Review Of China Hut

So here is a review of the China Hut restaurant of Atlantic. Just for fun. China Hut: A Comprehensive Study Of Delectable Delights And Studious Grievances Debating In Calculable Elements In Particular To Hazardous And Harmful Health Conditions And Supplements Complementing Nutrition And Nutritious Values. Also in this study: A Test Of Visual And Complementary Sightings Belonging In Question To China Hut, It’s Surroundings, And Atmospheric Condition Regarding Extra-Terrestrial Patrons, Customers And Local Wildlife, In Conjuncture With Extravagant Searches In Seating, Serving, And General Cleanliness, Charm, Companionship, And Extensive Studies Into Rational Rates And Rival Corporations And Ability To Survive In The Survival Of The Fittest. Due to this reviews length, the following section of the whole is more direct for the convenience of the general audience. The title is: The Foods And Some Décor Settings of China Hut. First off, China Hut is located on Main Street, right next

Odds and Ends

When I first thought of making a blog, I thought, "Cool! Yeah! Sweet! I'll write a post a day, I've got tons of stuff to write down." I managed to cool my head and try for ten to fifteen posts a month. That seems more manageable, and it really is. While it's true that there's tons of stuff to write about, I've come to realize, (with a greater clarity anyhow) that you can't simply write a bunch of random thoughts down. So I was walking the other day and I saw a squirrel rapidly dashing about and gathering nuts; and that got me thinking, "hey, that's what humans are like, always grabbing whatever we can for ourselves and storing up our junk. We oughta' be more like dogs instead, running around and leaving the worries to God and knowing that lavishing love all over makes you maybe kindof annoying, but absolutely irresistible." That came out of the depths of my brain. No thought whatsoever as to how it might come across, sentence structur

Dare I Write?

So far I've been writing about basically, whatever comes to mind. What I'm thinking now is: Dare I write these things? Okay, so I'm getting myself messed up. The whole point of this "blog" was so that I could write my philosophical thoughts and beliefs down. With the intention that others would read and, hopefully, find something interesting, entertaining, and/or moving. Perhaps encouraging even. Maybe something else I fail to mention too. My philosophical thoughts, I intend to actually be my beliefs, therefore I would be writing about Jesus, salvation only through him, and other biblical teachings. I arrive then at: Dare I write these things? The Bible clearly states that false teaching will be severely punished. I think it's Paul or Peter who says something like, "If I preach the truth, then this God is, well, POWER. And I tremble, lest I teach something not true about him. Which brings me to the fact that I want to have Bible verses, for everything I