Speech On Abortion

(EDIT: I just wanted to bring to attention my added comment, please read that too, if you read this speech. I also added a few words too clarify a paragraph that was rather confusing)

This post is a speech on abortion for my speech class. I know I left out a lot, and didn't cover everything, but I wrote truth, and will not repeal truth. I will, however, take criticism and instruction on how to write better, and would appreciate your opinion and information in comments!
If you have had an abortion, please remember that you are never to far from God to receive his grace and love. Let him mold you to who he wants you to be, and be comforted by the fact that he sees the whole parade, from beginning to end, and he is in control. He will not condemn you.

Without further ado. (whatever that means)

No Right To Decide

This speech is on the topic of abortion. We will go over a few reasons for why people decide abortion is a good choice, some reasons for why it is not; and finish with one or two ideas to help with this problem.
Also, please note that I can’t cover all the sides to this topic in the time I have, so there are many things I simply won’t bring up.

There are many reasons people choose to abort their baby. I say “people” not women, because it is more than the woman’s choice. If the man is not vocalizing his part in the decision, then his silence is the same as saying, “yes, go ahead with the abortion”. Unfortunately, it’s more often the man pushing for an abortion, than vice versa.

To begin with, about half of abortions are simply because of failed birth control techniques. Either in married couples or not. Similarly, between those same couples, abortion is an easy way to take care of an inconvenience to their lifestyle. In short, they are irresponsible and do not want a distraction that would take away their comfort and time for themselves. It’s depressing when you realize the basis of the previous sentence is selfishness.

There are also medical reasons, like a child diagnosed with downs syndrome, or circumstances in which continuing to carry the baby may result in death for the mother. Rape and incest are a problem too, but actually few pregnancies result from these. Perhaps in the saddest case, though, it is used to cover up an “affair”. Adultery. Simply destroy the evidence and no one need know. Just forget the whole thing and move on.

As many reasons for having an abortion as there are, there are more than enough reasons to not abort your baby too.
Due of the nature of an abortion, the baby must be killed inside the mother, because once outside it is now technically a full human being with all the rights of any other. And as such, can no longer be “aborted”. Destroying a baby inside the mother, though, is dangerous and frequently leads to diseases and other physical problems.

Dealing with the heartbreak after an abortion can be a bigger problem though. Studies show that most women never get over it, suffer from depression, and even commit suicide. As I’m sure a lot of the men do too.

Life is sacred, and the Bible states this clearly in its words. Psalms 139:13 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.” And Ephesians 1:4 says, "He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world."

Having an abortion is killing a human, a child, a life. And I don’t believe man has the right to decide whether a baby should be killed or not. God put “Do not murder” in the Ten Commandments for a reason. He alone knows our days, how long we are too live, and the point at which we will leave the earth.

There are many options available for those that find themselves unsure of what to do with their baby. One of which is a word with only two letters difference, and is possibly the best. Adoption. Many couples are barren, or without kids, or even have kids, and are waiting for someone to adopt. They are willing to give your child a home to live in, a chance at life that you may think they won’t get otherwise. Just because they have a defection, you don’t think you can support them, or it wasn’t your decision, it doesn’t matter. Adoption is a very real choice. Abortion is an ongoing problem that will not be solved easily. Here are two ideas that may help though.

Initially, individual responsibility can help. If people learn to consider the consequences of their actions, and take responsibility for them, fewer tragedies will occur. This goes back further, however. It goes back to families. Teaching our families biblical principles, morals, and discipline will lead them to taking responsibility for their decisions and actions naturally.

We can also attempt to gently educate and show other people these reasons and others for why abortion is such a problem. Talking to your friends or bringing it up at lunch break may be dangerous, lead to heated conversation, and generally be very hard to do; but being silent will be even more devastating. Take religious freedom for instance, that is a spiritual freedom that is slowly being taken away. We can, in that aspect, continue our lives relatively distant and remain in decent shape. Destruction of unborn babies though, is something that will affect us physically, it is something that will affect everyone, believers and unbelievers alike. And why? Because abortion is just like any other epidemic, except that it directly affects the value of a human’s life, which has an eternal soul, and if we devalue that, what is the difference between us, and animals?

Many people decide on abortion because of physical problems, unwanted pregnancies, accidents and other things. Just as many decide not to have an abortion and instead take responsibility for their baby, whether by adoption or caring for the child themselves. Ultimately we don’t have the right to decide whether a baby should die or not. God is in control through all and the best we can do is to influence those around us towards better lives; and thus to not make the decision of abortion.

I hope this has given you a greater understanding of the abortion in some way and I thank you for listening.

Read by whoever is reading at the moment
Written by Benjamin Bretey


  1. I have to add.

    Please realize I do not hate abortionists. Abortion greatly saddens me.

    And.....hmmm. This was a speech, and I know I didn't cover very much of the topic of abortion, so I just ask that you don't take this personally.
    I have nothing but sympathy, or, actually it's more like compassion, for those who have had an abortion.

    I do disagree with abortion, but carry no anger towards those who support it or have undergone an abortion.


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