
Showing posts from December, 2009

Musings of Humility

Met anyone who's humble recently? Fact is, it's not always easy to tell, because they're so humble they're good at covering it up. Sometimes I don't realize how humble a person is until a few days later, and I go, "wait a minute, I know why I liked that person so much, they were really humble!" Eh... something like that. They're just real easy to get along with. I've found, that one reason they're so likable, is because you can teach them. Makes you feel real smart like. Have you ever noticed that? Most of the time they already know what you're talking about, but they listen and encourage you anyway. One of the best things though, is that humble people are almost always wise too, and after encouraging you, sometimes they'll ever so gently add to, correct, or otherwise reveal some truth that slaps you about the head (in a good way) and changes your thinking for the better. Of course the reason they don't always add to your whatever,

This Is It

THIS IS IT What does that remind you of? Does Michael Jackson pop to mind? What's all the hype about him anyway? I'm happy to have grown up in a household that knows little of him, and cares even less for his music. The King of pop he may be, but quite frankly, he's creepy. This really is it though. Today is Christmas. We don't know what day Jesus was born, but we do get to celebrate that fact. What will you do today? This is it. God loves you. Will you accept him, return that love, and glorify him? The real King, came down to earth, and made himself man. He lived a perfect, sinless life, because he was 100% God and man, and died a horrific, slow death, for you. He died for the wrong things you know you've done, so you don't have to carry that burden. He died for each and every person on this earth, and took my sin and yours, to hell. He was the only one that could satisfy sin against a holy God, and because he was sinless, death could not hold him. He offers th

A Big Enough Explanation

This is a persuasive speech I wrote. (for speech class) Hope you enjoy. A Big Enough Explanation Before I begin, I want to recognize Ravi Zacharias, from whom I learned. I would highly encourage you to learn from this mans god-given wisdom as well, if you haven’t already. And if you have, to help in the spreading of this wisdom. How do you think the universe came to be? How did life come to exist? And why do we struggle so much with each other over what’s right and wrong? I want to appeal to your logical mind as I present an explanation. To start with, the universe cannot explain itself. Take an atom, a molecule, any piece of matter. However you look at it, breaking matter down to the smallest bit, it can’t have created itself. Matter cannot explain itself. This leads to something outside of the physical realm. Something without a physical form, therefore spiritual, had to form matter to start with. Secondly, the universe has order. Study creation and you find incredible complexity.

Real Words and....Crickets! (now extended)

(Edit: I unfortunately had little inspiration for this post, and subsequently, I have added a chunk at the bottom) Man that was fun! Man it's hot! What's up with that? Why do we use the word man as an expression? It's almost funny, trying to figure out why I use the word man. So. I'm not offering all the reasons, and I'm certainly not going to cover the whole subject of why we use extra words for more emphasis; but in this post I offer one simple reason for part of why I think the word man, and a few others, get used for emphasis. Because they're real. They have force partially because they're real . God, hell and d**nation are real too. Sometimes I use shazam and wow, but it seems like more often then not, I use something real. Maybe this is a bad example, but I use crickets as an emphasis word sometimes. Yeah, I know, that's kind of strange... Let me explain a little though. In the summertime crickets run rampant! They invade the basement and crawl a

The Fruit Of The Spirit

This passage has always encouraged me. I hope you find some encouragement and peace from it. Galatians 5:22-26 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Against such things there is no law. Really? Think about it. If everyone had these gifts in abundance, we wouldn't hardly need law at all. There definitely isn't any laws against them. Continuing on to the second part, the opposites to these gifts are easily named under "passions and desires". Only with Christ can we put these away and behind us. Selfishness, despair, madness, anger, um, nastiness, disloyalty, malice and impulsiveness. Those all sound horrible, and mean

Stark Contrast?

A few nights ago I found I had a choice. Either I could read my bible, or my book. Hard choice? Well what do you think? I had both laid out, and only time for one. My mind began churning at this point. Hmm.... on one side is the book, (an excellent book) that offers instant entertainment. And the other, the bible, offering more long-term entertainments. Flashy and gripping adventure, suspense, mystery and involving drawings or time spent meditating and underlining and hopefully being enlightened. (depending on the scripture) Beautiful, rustic, travel-tome look and upraised cover or simply a plain softcover, quite bent and fraying at the edges. Both offer amazing stories, great plots and inspiring dreams. Both can be read and enjoyed over and over again. One offers temporarily relaxing, stress-relieving bliss, and the other, while it can be relaxing, offers eternal worth. I didn't immediately make a decision. I'm happy to say I didn't choose my book right away, yet unhappy t

Thanksgiving Grant

Ah, Thanksgiving. Well, now it's over. You may have noticed I took an extended leave and haven't written anything for quite some time. I did debate whether or not to post over the holiday, but my procrastination eventually led to a rather blissful break. Two things I did decide, though. One, I don't have to write a large chunk of reading every post. And two, well, okay just one thing decided. Just hope smaller posts don't become the general. So notwithstanding and outwardly proposing I now heretoafter and whatsoforthly put eh, forth this magical and convoluted literature piece henceforth for your readilation. I decided (without much originality) to write about Thanksgiving. Narrowing my subjects I choose (the first thing that came to mind) things we take for granted. Now please don't groan, however many blogs or posts you may have read recently about things we take for granted, you must agree that we don't give thanks nearly enough. Take pens and pencils, actual