Musings of Humility

Met anyone who's humble recently?
Fact is, it's not always easy to tell, because they're so humble they're good at covering it up. Sometimes I don't realize how humble a person is until a few days later, and I go, "wait a minute, I know why I liked that person so much, they were really humble!" Eh... something like that.

They're just real easy to get along with. I've found, that one reason they're so likable, is because you can teach them. Makes you feel real smart like. Have you ever noticed that? Most of the time they already know what you're talking about, but they listen and encourage you anyway. One of the best things though, is that humble people are almost always wise too, and after encouraging you, sometimes they'll ever so gently add to, correct, or otherwise reveal some truth that slaps you about the head (in a good way) and changes your thinking for the better.
Of course the reason they don't always add to your whatever, is because they're humble they don't blabber they're wisdom around like, well I don't know, someone who blabbers wisdom around.

Being a humble teacher has to be one of the hardest things I can think of to do. I mean really, think about it, it's got to be difficult to share wisdom and knowledge, without coming across as arrogant.
A lot of it, I suppose, has to do with attitude, like modesty. And of course your tone of voice conveys clearly whether you think you're the guru of the world or not.

The funny thing about true humility, is every time you think you've gotten pretty humble, you're not. It's a character trait in constant work and repair.
Every once in a while, I cherish the thought that I'm not to prideful, and...maybe somewhat humble. And, of course soon thereafter, someone else comes along and completely blows me away by their humility.
I go around thinking of ways that I could be more humble, and thinking, "I'm trying my best, how else can I be humble?" And that new person demonstrates something that I'm prideful in, in an entirely humble way. God works things out like this so much it's just amazing.

I think maybe I've ended up with a two-sided post mostly about humility and partially about wisdom. It seems like they go together though.

Oh well. Humility is an admirable trait. Do you agree? No? Ah, that's to bad. Yes? Then why don't you try working some humility into your life? It's very rewarding.

I've got to tell you though, it's humiliating. :)


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