
Showing posts from June, 2010


The body of Christ is an exciting thing to be a small part of. I think that the unity that comes from the true church is a good contributor to that excitement. Excitement with the visibility of unity in a group of people, even despite frequent discouraging factors. What causes disjointed, non-harmonized groups? Lots of things. Off the top of my head, color, accent, humors, personalities, gender, race, personal attributes and weaknesses, and cultural differences. I'm sure there are more, but these already present a tough obstacle to overcome. Yet believers in Christ band together, and can work with surprising efficiency and unity, while other groups simply disintegrate. How? And Why? Because Christ is the focus. If every action, thought, and movement is Christ centered, then unity cannot help but be there. When every group members goal is Jesus as number one, it's not so hard to trust one another without any previous knowledge of who they are. When strangers come together with

Marley & Me (movie review)

I've been wanting to watch this movie since I heard about it coming out, and Thursday night I finally got to watch it with my family. I'm happy to say I don't regret watching it. First off, let me say that since this blog is not a movie review spot, this, and any future movie reviews will be automatic recommendations of mine for watching. Of course, your own discernment upon these recommendations is assumed, and the point of any reviews is to show what I like and don't like about the film, as well as to convince you to watch it. This is my first movie review, so I'm pretty excited about writing it, as well as dreading the realization that sometime down the line I'll end up coming back, and lamenting about how poorly it is written. Ah well, for better or worse, here we go. Marley & Me is predominately about marriage, as far as I can tell. The movie goes to places like the choice of a stay-at-home mom versus a career mom, the pressures of being a one-woman man


As a general heads-up, I have the privilege to be a counselor for Bethany Camp this month of June. This is a summer camp only at the time, focused on Exira, Iowa area. Because of this and two other trips, I'm not going to be home for the vast majority of June. So I probably won't get many posts in this month. I hope to get at least one post a week though, when I come home between camp age groups. Here are some riddles for you to solve in the meantime, just for fun. They vary in difficulty, and I put them somewhat in what I think is increasing difficulty the farther down they are. Answers are in the comments, if you really get supremely stumped. I challenge you to solve them all without looking at the answers though! Have fun :-) 1 - Where will you find roads without cars, forests without trees and cities without houses? 2 - I have no voice and yet I speak to you, I tell of all things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but I am not a tree, I have pages, but I am n