
The body of Christ is an exciting thing to be a small part of. I think that the unity that comes from the true church is a good contributor to that excitement. Excitement with the visibility of unity in a group of people, even despite frequent discouraging factors.

What causes disjointed, non-harmonized groups? Lots of things. Off the top of my head, color, accent, humors, personalities, gender, race, personal attributes and weaknesses, and cultural differences. I'm sure there are more, but these already present a tough obstacle to overcome.

Yet believers in Christ band together, and can work with surprising efficiency and unity, while other groups simply disintegrate. How? And Why?

Because Christ is the focus. If every action, thought, and movement is Christ centered, then unity cannot help but be there. When every group members goal is Jesus as number one, it's not so hard to trust one another without any previous knowledge of who they are. When strangers come together with the same Christ as the purpose, they realize that though the other may have a different style of going about things, their ultimate endpoint and desire is the same. If you can't trust someone with the same goal as you, then you need to work on your ability to work with other people some more.

Other groups can have unity, yes. There's lots of groups that had a common goal and made it somewhere. Just read some history. But what history also shows, is that the true body of Christ has proven to be the most united, especially under trials, difficulty, and persecution, where most groups find unity harder to grasp.

Love one another as yourself. Merciful, graceful, self-controlled. Kind, submissive, humble. Without fear, confident, peaceful, and filled with joy. I think these principles promote unity in the group that has them, and followers of Christ model their lives after these and others. It's no surprise to see them with unity in groups.

Christianity has the ideal ingredients for strong unity. Desirable attributes that are pursued, and promote harmony, and a common goal, that is not only a goal, but the very purpose each member lives for. It's an exciting path to follow. It even has great side benefits, one of which is....

.....strangers in unity quickly become friends in unity.

Come and join the unity that comes with Christ.


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