Two Weeks, Glued Feet

I seem to have had my feet glued for these last two weeks. Neither wanting to leave the blog without updates, nor really wanting to post. A lack of general inspiration could be an excuse, but I haven't exactly encouraged inspirational thought recently, so that falls flat. The truth is there are some verses that, although I've read and mulled over them before, simply niggle at my mind every time I attempt to share thoughts on God.

Namely, Romans 2:21-24, which says, "You then, who teach others, do you not teach yourself? You who preach against stealing, do you steal? You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you."

So for two weeks I've glued my feet to the floor, in the hopes of not blaspheming God by untruthful words and an empty witness. That doesn't do any good though, because I can still sin standing in one place. I wanted to write, but didn't feel particularly safe or inspired about it. The result being a rather tense rocking back in forth, whilst going nowhere. Indecision is decision though, so after indecisively choosing not to post for some time now, here is the result. I'm still going to write. For what use does remaining silent serve? Or whom?

While the fear of writing something that is not biblically sound is a damper, the hope of reaching others for God is to strong to be snuffed. It's a hope that entwines with joy. I'm hard-pressed to easily think of something stronger than joy-filled hope. Yet I still frequently have glued feet, when it comes to talking in person to someone about Jesus. What can I say about this?

There's much that could be said, but it simply boils down to: Goodbye glued feet, hello to who can I reach, in two weeks?


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