Post-Camp 2016

Post camp is an interesting time. Staying up late despite exhaustion in pursuit of those few moments remaining with counselors before they disperse. Jarring out of the artificial environment of camp discipleship into old work relationships and confusions. Coming to an understanding of new convictions. Restarting the cycle of food planning-creation-cleanup.

There is an age old tradition at camp, during each meal we have what's called a "nutshell". This is a small exposition of a verse or two from scripture. Towards the end of every year, I invariably turn to Hebrews 12:1-2, which follows an entire chapter referring to the faith of various believers.

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

This is a life verse for me. It is so easy to drift to the side and desire a deep and silent relationship with God, just He and I. And the conflicting truth is that if want this relationship, we have to carve out that time to be just with God, but we are not meant to live this faith alone. It's easy to look at a workplace and a town and tell myself there are no believers anywhere, but I am not really looking. If you want witnesses, they are here.

 I always get caught up on "throw off everything that hinders". Sin, well now that's usually obvious, and it's consequences along with biblical promises that should be used for its defeat. Then it's a matter of prayer and obedience. Simpler said than done... but everything that hinders. I tend to like those things. All things were originally created good by God, these things can be used for good still but I like them rather for my own good.

What do we do then? Look to Jesus who started my faith and the only way I will be made better. He endured every temptation, fulfilled the law, underwent separation from his father, and for what? For our reconciliation and his glory. Ah man, that is some sweet truth; and these days directly following camp I need them plenty.

I heard this past week: if you want to change your years, change your months. To change your months, change your days. To change your days, change your routine. I've heard it before in different ways but never been bothered to change anything... until getting smacked by the truth of Hebrews 12 again. I love to write spontaneously, but I must admit after looking at history that I'd write a whole lot more if on a routine in addition. So... each Monday? Maybe that's a reason Monday needn't be so awful. Maybe this will be another reason Monday is awful? Maybe not Monday.

Well someday I'll pick a day.


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