
Showing posts from March, 2010

Peanut Butter Blob

It was time for some good ole' PB & J. While the toast was...toasting, I located the peanut butter and jelly and brought them to the counter. After grabbing a spoon, I plunged it into the peanut butter and drew out a huge blob of creamy goodness. As I was spreading it on my toast another family member commented, "You've got too much peanut butter." I countered with, "It's not so much once it's all spread out." To which my family member pointed the fallacy of by saying, "Spreading it out doesn't reduce the amount of peanut butter you're using." To often I rationalize my sinful actions as not so bad because I'm, "spreading it out". A little bit of coveting there...omitting certain truths and/or dancing around the question over here...selfishness sprinkled all along everywhere, it all adds up to the same big blob regardless of whether it's spread out or not. I can't rationalize my actions by comparing them to

Accompanied Lyrical Impact Stuff

Earlier today I was in church, singing Christian worship and hymns, trying to remain "worshipful" and focus on praising God. It was hard. The music was good, the lyrics related to me well, but I ended up kind of bleared up. (yes, I made up that word) Then this one song started and my vocal cords refused to make a noise. At least not any coherent noise recognizable as singing. At the time, the music wasn't important. I opened and closed my mouth sub-consciously with the song, but all I managed was reading the lyrics that reflected and answered what I'd been thinking about lately. Sadly though, the words have faded away from me, and even just halfway through the song I was feeling kind of blah again. Why? I didn't want to forget those words. Why didn't that impact stick around? Here's something interesting to try. As a song is playing, read the words. But read them out of rhythm like reading a book. Cripey, it's almost like dissecting the song. Because t

Acceptance Versus Tolerance

So I got a comment about the fact that tolerance and acceptance being two different things. (and gently pointed to the fact that I was getting them mixed up) I don't really know if I was getting them mixed up or not, but it got me thinking. I don't want confusing posts that sway from one thing to another, how is anyone supposed to get the point then? Of course I first went to the dictionaries. I try to use multiple dictionaries to find an accurate definition. To receive with favor. To receive as satisfactory or sufficient. So apparently acceptance is a sort of positive reaction. Hm. Tolerance is more an act of endurance. You're in disagreement with someone, but you don't actively oppose them, you endure it. Whereas acceptance, not really. I shouldn't have to agree with someone just to accept them....right? Maybe not. If I'm not in agreement, does that mean I'm practicing tolerance? Is there a point where I just don't have an opinion?

Tolerance - Part 2

I guess what I'm really thinking over is how tolerance fits in with our beliefs . What religion we have and how that effects the feasibility of tolerance. Because, it's quite easy to tolerate someone wearing, say, a hat. After a while it seems to come down somewhat to the definition of tolerance. To allow and/or acknowledge/respect each others practices and/or religion, without actively opposing it. Hmm. That's basically it, with what I gather from various dictionaries. Then applying that to everything, it quickly becomes....difficult. There's the stuff I can tolerate like what car somebody drives, and stuff I can't tolerate, like country music. (just kidding there) Feasibly, a lot of....stuff people practice we should be able to live with. Mutually exclusive things are what get difficult though. Namely beliefs. Say two people have beliefs, (which everybody believes in something, even if it's nothing) and they are mutually exclusive, meaning one can't exist

Tolerance - Part 1

What really is tolerance? Everybody is supposed to be tolerant of each others views. But.... what exactly does that mean? As an example, say, abortion. I'm no expert on the subject, so we're good. Now, my view is that abortion is wrong, main reason being, it's murder, which goes back to the Ten Commandments, and then back to my belief in God. Others do not view it as murder, and believe it should be our choice. Insert tolerance of both views. But then it gets real...nasty. Of course I don't believe that what is, in my view, murder, (abortion) should be legalized. Whereas, pro-abortionists do. The conclusion, is whichever way it goes, a viewpoint is being pushed on someone else and the "winning side" are now being intolerant of the other view. So, how is tolerance even compatible? The way I see it, tolerance should be able to exist between two people, even if the other person's viewpoint says I'm wrong. That's tolerance, we can think differently, a

I Never Told You (Song)

This song has the chorus done...but I'm not really happy with the between verses. Hope you like it anyway though. At the moment, it's titled "I Never Told You", not exactly breathtakingly original, but it fits. I said good morning How are you "How are you feeling today" "Good", and we went our ways What I never told you I like to hear your voice To see you smile And hear you laugh Would be my first choice What you see as imperfection I see needing no correction What I never told you (I'm thinking of an additional line at the end of that chorus) "Hey you, How was your week" A little later and you've got to leave Sorry you didn't want to talk I'd only wanted to help, if you'd started to weep (don't really like my lame attempt at rhyming week and weep there) (haven't decided on whether to use that verse, or maybe this next one) "Hey you, How was Friday" There's no need to lie If you just need to cry