Acceptance Versus Tolerance

So I got a comment about the fact that tolerance and acceptance being two different things. (and gently pointed to the fact that I was getting them mixed up) I don't really know if I was getting them mixed up or not, but it got me thinking. I don't want confusing posts that sway from one thing to another, how is anyone supposed to get the point then?

Of course I first went to the dictionaries. I try to use multiple dictionaries to find an accurate definition.

To receive with favor. To receive as satisfactory or sufficient.

So apparently acceptance is a sort of positive reaction. Hm.
Tolerance is more an act of endurance. You're in disagreement with someone, but you don't actively oppose them, you endure it. Whereas acceptance, not really. I shouldn't have to agree with someone just to accept them....right? Maybe not. If I'm not in agreement, does that mean I'm practicing tolerance? Is there a point where I just don't have an opinion? Am I being accepting then?

If I'm tolerating something, I'm in disagreement yet enduring despite that. So whenever I'm not in disagreement, I'm accepting. Is there ever a time when I'm not in disagreement, yet not agreeing? Ugh. Brain hurt. I don't think so. If someone throws a baseball, I don't have to disagree with them over whether or not someone else could throw it harder. But neither do I have to agree with them. Does that make sense? Not really. If I don't agree with them I'm disagreeing. There isn't another option. Not that I can see, in my view. It seems like it should be possible, but I don't see it. Can I be neutral in something? Neither in disagreement or agreeing? If I'm not disagreeing, agreement is default, whether I care or not. Maybe I'm just going in circles now.

Alright. bizarre or not. Two guys fighting over a chicken, and one guy says he should get it. Neither do I agree or disagree with him. I don't care. I don't know anything about him. It's a chicken. Is the only time I cannot be agreeing or disagreeing be when I don't make a decision at all?

After looking at my previous posts, I see something horrible.....tolerance doesn't strictly mean you're in disagreement. Now I've spent more than a hour on this. I don't know if this negates most of this post or not.... And now I don't care.

I have spotted one definite place to change a word. I'm not an editor, so I may be unclear in areas, but in general, I tried to keep tolerance and acceptance apart.


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