Just There

Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

The complexity and design of creation is such that the evidence of a creator/designer is undeniable. From this statement I proceed with the idea that although a simple sparrow reveals intricate design when studied, that same sparrow does not always inspire an immediate declaration of God. Sometimes creation just seems to be there. Nothing more.

In my daily life God is evident, showing himself through creation, people interaction, answers to prayer, and numerous little things that tell me he is here, with me. Sometimes, many times, I believe I take his presence for granted. Like the air I breath. I've become so used to his presence in my life that I no longer value that for what it is.

Sometimes creation just seems to be there. Nothing more. God temporarily obscures, though doesn't remove, his presence from me. A reminder that his presence is not something to be taken for granted. For me, it's usually times of isolation when the world crashes in with how large it really is. The struggle for simple survival and the fear of inability, or sometimes even the knowledge of inability to do that, becomes very real. Humanity and it's helplessness becomes blatantly obvious. Without God, I have no chance and no hope. I say that because God works in everybody's life, and everything we have is from God. People without Christ may have hope, but ultimately it is an empty and false hope, even if they believe in it.

In these sudden moments when God covers his presence from me, I do have something else to turn to. His words. And I believe God plans it to be that way. When creation seems to be nothing more than just there, the bible is an anchor because it is more, tangible. Creation is certainly tangible, but when it isn't feeling very interesting, I definitely don't want to go out and grab a leaf to study, so I can feel better after looking at its complexity. The bible is a letter to me from God, saying, "I am here. I love you. Follow me."

Another way to look at it is this: creation is "natural". Despite what Romans 1:20 says, the world is what we live in for every single day of our short lives, and it's easy for creation to suddenly seems as if its simply always been there, and isn't really special in any way. The bible is a book. Inspired by God. It's not "natural"; not even as not natural as other books. The bible points to God all the time, even if creation doesn't seem to be.

Sometimes creation just seems to be there. Nothing more.

"I am here. I love you. Follow me...... here's who.....why.....and how."


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