Noah Webster (1-page)

Noah Webster is one of my role models, for a number of reasons. Here's a 1-page quickie I did about him for school. Thought you might find it somewhat interesting.

September 15, 2010
Edited and Finalized September 20, 2010

Noah Webster

There are many reasons to respect Noah Webster as a role model. He was, like the founding fathers, a man of great character. This is of importance to remember when reading about his accomplishments. Noah was a lover of language, which he saw as the use of words and their meaning to influence others. Let’s look at a few ways he did that.

America did not always have a common tongue. Noah Webster’s speller, commonly known as the blue back speller, is what caused this. Noah was able to provide a distinctive American centered schoolbook, and it caught on. Over sixty million copies eventually spread out into America. This book offered an excellent, organized resource, which in addition to teaching spelling, also instilled patriotism for America.

Patriotism was an important part of Noah’s life. He regularly issued all sorts of essays and articles, on topics ranging from politics, to disease. Noah was also a column writer for the Federalist Party’s newspaper, which he fulfilled for many years. Noah’s entire life was based around writing, writing for the benefit and betterment of his country.

Noah loved words so much, that he spent twenty-seven years writing a dictionary containing seventy thousand words. Even more incredible, this dictionary contained twelve thousand words never seen in a dictionary on this side of the Atlantic before. Noah learned twenty-six languages during this time, to ensure his dictionary was flawless in its definitions.

In the later stages of his life, Noah did not recede from life, but continued to write until he died. A revised edition of the King James Version bible, called the Common Bible, being one of his more notable achievements. He desired to leave behind this as a pointer to what was always the most important in his life. Noah was a man of faith, and not just religion. Clearly God blessed him in his life because of that.

Noah Webster was a key character in influencing early America, and remains today a standard to look up to. Not simply because of his accomplishments, no, his character and strong belief are of equal influence. Even more so now, as his works are mostly unused. Though his name lives on in Webster’s Dictionary, he will always be a role model of mine because of his unwavering faith, prolific writing, and pursuit of goals to better America as a whole.

Read by whoever is reading at the moment.
Written by Benjamin.
Facts taken from Noah Webster’s life, as recorded in The Sowers Series, and Wikipedia.


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