Good Memories/The Hufupukar Moment

This is a short story I wrote, which I suggest reading to the song, "Hufupukar", by Sigur Ros, if you have it. Enjoy!

Good Memories/The Hufupukar Moment

It’s the middle of the afternoon. Through the chill, fall wind, pushes a large pick-up truck, towing a mighty trailer. The cargo is a cabin, dismantled into beams and rafters. They are carefully stacked, but simply by the sheer amount that are visible, it is hard to tell. The middle of the afternoon, the day not over, and yet the riders of the truck are tired, thoughts either absent from their minds, or kept to themselves. Music is soothing their nerves, it is Hufupukar, by Sigur Ros.

It starts then. First the sun breaks through the low-hanging blanket of gray stratus clouds, illuminating with a soft, yellow light. The view is breathtaking as the riders look on with happy, satisfied faces. They are nearing home. As the truck crests the next hill, the music swells and the faces change to delight. Down in the valley lies a little town, the bright sun gently dappling the green lawns, and lighting up the whitewashed sheds. The driver exclaims, “It’s just like a fairy tale village!” And that it is.

The group coast slowly down the hill, resistant to let the moment pass. It is simply magical, with bells tinkling in their ears and sunshine pouring down such glorious life. Stringed instruments add sweet swaying to the music. Further they descend, until they are in the town itself. It is as if the descent itself brought with it the realization of life as it really is. The music recedes, the sun already sliding behind the clouds again. Finished.

What had happened could not slip from their minds though. Could not so easily depart from their hearts, as the music had from their ears. No more music is listened to now, the experience had been such a fitting end to the day. Gravel crunches beneath the truck tires. There is the driveway. Their boots squelch in the soft ground after leaving the truck.

Yes, they had brought a massive pile of lumber back home. Yes, they had finished a job. But it was more than that, it is more than that, when a group of friends does something together. They are not just machines, and we not just machines. For memories had been made, souls had been touched and warmed. Memories that as we remember them, remind us of others, of why we do the things we do. Of why we love, and of how we are loved.

Good memories.

Story is taken from an excursion on Saturday, November 13th, of 2010. It has been dubbed, "The Hufupukar Moment."


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