Is it interesting?

It's interesting. Ideally, what you read here becomes beneficial to you somehow. This is my goal when I write, that the written word will spark thought in your mind, that other things don't always achieve. Thought that is transferred into action.

It's interesting, that despite my efforts to concentrate an benefiting readers, most posts end up also benefiting myself. Not just because of the obvious reward of thinking through a topic for myself before writing it, and the physical act of writing itself. Here's the confession, subconsciously or not, there's usually a writing goal in mind.

Meaning, different styles of presentation. (introduction, article, conversational, etc) This helps me get better at writing. And what's interesting, finally, is that it's just as beneficial for you, as it is for me. The task of finding different ways of presentation, and the subsequent act of receiving said writing differently, changes the end result.

Of course, although it's a good idea to think of "neat little analogies" (I can sarcastically quote that, I use lots of analogies) that present a different way of looking at things, the flip side is that I don't really need them. The message of hope and salvation through Jesus never changes, should the explanation of it change? I feel that sometimes analogies can be taken to far. To far into the mind of man, into a "clever, this works really well" territory. The whole reason for using an analogy to help describe something spiritual, is so that the analogy helps someone understand. Attention on the analogy giver is misplaced.

In the end, skipping analogies entirely is really ideal. They aren't bad, on the contrary, they really help. My point is simply that I don't want to end up having the listeners attention on the analogy, rather than the object being described. (or the analogy-giver) I also believe that the delivery of the analogy determines which of the before-said options becomes center focus.

It's interesting that beneficial things can be detrimental, just because of how it's presented. And you know what? That freaks me out. Because what I'm doing right now, is presenting something. Will it be helpful? Or not? I pray to God the it will be helpful. Thankfully, the only other thing to do is try my best.

Most of my posts have a point, (or to many points) as well as being written as an exercise for myself. I am still in high school after all. I can say for a fact that it's challenging for me to try and think of how readers will respond to different phrases. Will they get the sarcasm there? Will this make sense? Is this as funny for them as it is for me? Can they relate to that? As a side note, it's been challenging enough that I encourage you to start a blog yourself. Just because of how it's worked my mind, and trained me to think of how what I say will impact others from their viewpoint. Here's a post on starting a blog.

That's actually the first time I've linked something. Exciting! :-)

So, thank you for reading today's post, because I was trying something different today. There was no point I intended to make. There was no presentation route I chose. Today I tried to just write about whatever seemed to follow what I'd just written. You my friend, are the judge of how that turned out! (I personally don't think it went to well) So was it interesting? Comments are welcome as always. Except obscenity-filled, obviously mean and/or stupid comments. But I know you aren't stupid. Alright. The end.


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