I'm Doing, Un-doable, Or Did? Um... I'll Stop Now

Sometimes life gets especially hectic, and a blog post seems un-doable. Sometimes the internet refuses to cooperate for several days in a row, and blogging really is un-doable. Sometimes I would have to say that neither of those were problems, and I just simply didn't blog. Whereupon an apology would be appropriate.

Although there have been long, looonnng, breaks before, I've been feeling somewhat more convicted to write more often. Thus, I'm sorry there hasn't been anything to read for this last week or so. At this point, I don't know if that conviction is out of a need to write things for others, or for some other reason, so take that apology, um, however you want to I suppose.

As it turns out, life has been much more hectic than usual this last week or so, and the internet has been down too.

But wouldn't have saying that first sounded evasive? Uncaring? Distant? Like an excuse?

I am to prideful. It's not hard to admit. Many areas of my pride are easy to work towards diminishing, but one I find difficult to tear down. The subtle, self-righteous pride of using excuses.

It's not as if the excuses themselves are fake, (or half fake) excuses are often seriously legit. Excuses are not a bad thing, at least if they're completely true, and explained in a gracious way. The danger comes when I find myself resorting to using them as a shield to my pride. A very capable shield. Often it is used in a self-righteous tone, a tone I notice, but continue in anyway, either out of ignoring the fact or ignorance of the fact. Probably some of both.

Once again, the danger lies not in the doing, but in the attitude and mindset of the doing. With the proper mindset, the un-doable becomes doable, while the doing becomes our undoing if not done with the right doer.

Um... I'll stop now. :-)


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