Sunsets Are Amazing

A few days ago we had a beautiful sunset. These things are seriously underrated. The ground was dark brown and moist, and the sky was still a royal blue color. The sun was orange, naturally, but it starkly contrasted with the royal blue sky. It looked like a computer wallpaper, enhanced to look more vibrant, except this was the real deal. Unfortunately, although I took some pictures to see if I could capture the scene, seventy-five percent of sunset pictures don't impress or otherwise seem like anything special to others.

Because, apart from the fact that pictures are a millionth the size of the sky, people just don't seem to appreciate sunsets. "Yada yada, I wish I could live in Pandora". Oh please. It's depressing how blind humans are. Just look at this world, Pandora is like a gaudy nightclub compared to the earth's serene magnificence. Okay, so maybe people wish they could live in a nightclub, but I can't imagine it. Or actually I can, I just don't want to. Drowning in a sea of fake relationships and deceiving myself into thinking I'm having fun, only to eventually crash wherever it is I may sleep and feel like the loneliest mutt to wander the earth. How wonderful....

Yes, the sin of the world has had me depressed this last week. Although it may be easy to lose sight of what beauty and good still exists in the world during the day, sunsets still scream that all is not lost. The setting sun brings the night, and that is a great time for prayer and bible. Also, read this great article on sleep: A Brief Theology Of Sleep

So I watch the sunset as often as possible, and wonder why people can't scrape the muck off their eyes and dare to gaze on creation proclaiming, "There is a God!" Sunsets aren't even all that complex in the scheme of things, consisting mainly of the blazing sun, light, bazillions of miles of empty space, the complex atmosphere, and clouds of water particles floating in the air. But despite relative simplicity in comparison to something like the human body, they are still mind-blowing.

I find it interesting that although Romans 1:20 tells me that creation is witness enough for all people, many people still deny God, or choose instead to believe in many gods. At the same time, Romans 10:14-15 tells me that in order to believe, they must hear the good news. Coincidental contradiction? I think not. God in his sovereignty softens and hardens hearts as is his right. We obey him out of the overflow of his love for us, leaving the results of our witness up to him.

So I watch the sunset, and it is both calming and energizing, because although the world denies its wonder, the best I can do is shine with love like a sunset, and pray that God opens the eyes of the lost to see it too. Those that turn away with hardened hearts tread heavily on the path to hell. I pray that they may not be many, but neither can I let their wretched state weigh me down. We are not called to be dismayed, but to praise.

Sunsets are amazing. I hope that you will get to enjoy some soon.


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