Prelude To Murc

For a very long time I have held off beginning a novel. It's only existence is in pencil sketching maps and bare-bones plotlines, but it has tenuously held my mind with surprising strength despite efforts to ignore it. My reasoning being that I know for myself that I cannot write this book the way I want it written; I simply do not have the skill yet.

Stupid reasoning! I will never get good enough to write the story the way I want it written unless I write stories, and I don't have any I want to write but this one. So, I'm writing it now, and when I'm done, I will be good enough to go through and redo it the way it was meant to be done. That said, it is with immense happiness that I share with you tonight, the prelude. I will not be posting the entirety of the story as I write it though. With revision in mind, this is not the final draft. I sincerely hope you enjoy this first step, rough edges and silliness and all.

    Many a tale is told with brave heroes and heroines. Tales of exciting exploits and bold deeds, daring rescues of beautiful damsels, and surmounting insurmountable obstacles to finally face down and vanquish the notorious enemy. With the flames of fiery adventure these characters are tried and defined. Some are dubbed honorable knights, while others as lovable rogues, or simply likeable friends. Some even become our role models, as characters we can relate to. Yet however they turn out, we remember them fondly.
    We know all the names, those brilliant saviors of mankind. King Arthur, Robin Hood, The Brothers Grimm, Maximus, Frodo Baggins... Luke Skywalker. And many others.

    Names, however, only go so far. For we know that without the story behind them, names and titles are like empty shells absent of color. Void of life and reason given from our own imaginations. While conflict and love are no less real without our personal involvement, these stories serve as platforms for our own conflict and love, with characters working to earn that love and a place in our hearts. Characters striving to claim that much sought after place of honor where our imaginations meld with the story, pitting ourselves as the hero.

    What follows is a story. With names such as Duke Meshtuke and Duke Gellzeim, Lord Kell and Baron Roas. Noble Merren, and Lady Melody. Sir Murc. Names that mean nothing without the story that gives them life, and after which are determined by us as to be noble heroes, or dastardly villains.

    Their fate awaits them, and these pages await you. So read on, dear adventurer, and enter the world of...

(flip page)                                         Chapter One

(and no, Luke Skywalker will probably not be in the final draft :-)


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