Hoodwinked (movie review)

Most have heard, and know the main idea of the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The premise of this movie is not to retell that story, but to use the idea and setting for something entirely new. A brilliant idea, as it turns out, as using something already widely known and familiar, and yet making it different, is one of the most sure routes to success.

Hoodwinked is animated, and for anyone who has seen several animated films, they will know that it is not all the same. This movie is/was low budget, which for some may be very grating to watch, as most of the movie looks as though improvement could be made. The extras mention that the film was started with five thousand dollars with which they bought two computers. As an amateur animator myself, I loved seeing how well this team did with the resources available. Bottom line, it may not dazzle, but it's by no means ugly. Animation tends to encourage a suspension of unbelief, and the bright colors, lush sets, and lighting are all used extremely well to convey an interesting world.

Another element that Hoodwinked has right is its humor. Though it's not a comedy, whoever was in charge of the laughs department did a good job. Hoodwinked doesn't resort to crude humor, (except maybe in the schnitzel song) instead opting to point out the humor that comes naturally. This makes movies more compelling to watch, and more realistic.

I can't think of anyone I wouldn't recommend this movie for. If you enjoy anything animated, this should be a success. Perhaps the best part of the movie is just seeing how the story plays out. So pick a night, and enjoy Hoodwinked!


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