Human Or Dancer
Human - The Killers Are we human or are we dancer? I've loved this song ever since I first heard it, half due the irresistible catch, half due the lyrics. Sparse enough for fault to be hard to find, yet with enough to read in a meaning of my own. The song is uplifting in tone, and meaning if you want it to be so. In a whimsical way, I always answer the question with "dancer!". After all, everyone is human. That's inescapable following literal thinking, but what joy can be found in life without ever entertaining thoughts of what's unseen? Maybe some, I have never attempted thinking that feat. Especially as joy seems much different than everyday happiness. Isn't there joy in thinking of yourself as a dancer? Depending on what picture that brings to mind for you, yes and no. As a man looking to be manly, dancing is decidedly backward thinking. Just as I'm conscious of sin's effect on a view of dancing. While conscious is good, don't let that des...