Easily Believing Makes Me Lukewarm

Your position is not really yours until you make it yours through suffering and study. Suffering and studying could easily be re-labeled "experience" and often looks like wisdom. The idea of belief in something being called "easily believed" did not come to my mind during thought, but does capture the point. Living without clearly understanding my own reasoning is easy belief.

There is many a time when my stance was held merely with stubborn obstinacy, (redundancy for emphasis) rather than solid belief. Maybe it worked alright with the result of avoiding a sin or doing something stupid, but it couldn't have had a positive effect on the world's observation. Easily believing only undermines faith from bringing confidence and boldness in Christ, and an assurance of the truth. Easily believing resembles standing in the current of a river, unable to see one's footing. It feels sure, but that's probably only because the current is weak; there is no chance of withstanding a surge.

-knowledge acquired by systematic study in any field of scholarly application
-the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill

That's what dictionary.com says, and it's alright, just seems to stop before things are done. There's a good difference between knowing something, and learning the same thing. I know about engines... there's an alternator, carburetor, belts, pistons, filters, brake lines, you get the point. But I haven't learned much more about engines than how to change the oil and some sounds that an engine definitely should not be making.

Ecclesiastes- "...of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh."

The point is to go further than deceiving myself by thinking that easily believing christian worldview is strong enough. Learning, mastering, acquiring the ability to teach worldview lived to another is a goal. Simply "knowing" my way is the right way has no roots whatsoever, this is exactly as the world lives. The truth of the gospel as delivered by the sword of the Spirit- the word of God- is "sharper than any two-edged sword, capable of dividing joint and marrow, judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart".

How do many of our opportunities to share the good news of Jesus come about? Yes, in part by being obedient and bold with our confidence in Christ, only attained by fully grasping the facets of our belief and trusting in God, but also largely by our lifestyle. I feel capable of living my own life correctly, but at times unable to satisfactorily explain stances and purposes for doing so when questioned. Which would be fine if I never met another human ever. The truth is, God's way is real, and no belief stands against truth when it is found by the heart. The words of man contort and twist with words until arguing proves fruitless, but a lifestyle overflowing with the love of Christ, and "ready to give an answer for the hope within" is something beautiful.


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