A Reward From Commitment

The joy of intimacy is the reward of commitment. This is from Joshua Harris as read in "I Kissed Dating Goodbye". I've recently had reason to find literature backed up with a scriptural base for why I act; this book has been great. There aren't brand new ideas on every page, rather I've found it very confirmatory towards behavior I practice but which previously necessitated no explanation, and thus priority never allotted time for creating one. More "easy believing".

The world needs to see where joy comes from. I don't think the shallow held up euphoria of the lost goes unnoticed, that those always happy people are playing at happy over every little possible thing in the effort to stay happy. Grins and giggles, quick movement and silly faces. There's a place for wonderful application of those, but in constancy can it really be believed? If it makes a fun time, why does it take so much time for the fun to be had? If I'm making things fun, why would I always be trying to make things fun?

I don't know, you'll either get that or you won't at all. I'm very frustrated over not figuring out how to word things correctly, in avoidance of word quarreling over concept grasping.

Girl just wanna have a fun time. And it don't happen. No daily attitude adjustment gonna fool nobody.

I've been praying for God to teach me discipline in communication with him, and to create from that devotion and love. He has answered prayer (with conviction via the Holy Spirit and wrestling in my soul), partially through my own decision to read Josh's book because of circumstances God brought about. It's wonderful not only praying and experiencing, but looking back for how God has answered, and what his answer is. Josh's book has emphasized the reward of commitment being joy in intimacy- not an act of sex- but relational intimacy that comes from two with mutual knowledge of the other.

Discipline, commitment, devotion. These words are the same except for an increasing amount of passion involved. The world has things backwards, using fickle feelings as a base for the passion in devotion for someone, rather than practicing discipline of communication, the basis for commitment to remain, a creator of deep-burning passion for driving devotion.

Joy is not so much a higher plateau than happiness, as it is a certainty of things that make you happy. Joy remains through sorrow to bring you back, where happiness gives way and drowns in depression. The world doesn't believe its own constant high; when the joy of Jesus is seen, I want to have the readiness of the gospel so that my joy is not seen as nebulous as the falsehood everyone else practices. This can only be if I am experiencing the joy of intimacy with the Father brought about by commitment to his word.

James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


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