Worship Time

Hello again!

So yesterday afternoon I became sick, and consequently, I wasn't able to go to church. I lay on the couch, and read the bible instead. While I was thinking, a thought came to me. Why do we only worship on sundays? (or at least mostly only on sundays) We try to pray and read our bible everyday, but when it comes to worship, it's only on sunday.
This seems backward almost. We should, I should, be worshiping the Creator every day.
Maybe there seems to be no time. Does there ever seem to be time for bible reading and prayer?
Maybe it seems to be uncomfortable. Well let's expand our comfort zone. How can glorifying God be uncomfortable?
So I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to worship God more often. Plan it out as you would prayer and bible reading, start with simple songs. "I love you Lord" "Better is one day" "Amazing Grace"
Worship isn't standing up and remaining in one place, while you close your eyes and try to feel God through your own commitment, but by truly praising Him no matter the situation. We can worship at home, playing the piano or guitar. When we're driving to an fro all the places we go. Or simply watching the sun go down.
We will grow stronger in faith and love for Christ if we read his word, meditate and memorize it. When we pray to Him and thank Him for His blessings. But adding worship is just another layer. You may have thought of this already, you may be practicing it already. That's cool.
That's all I have. I'd love to hear your comments!



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