Sometimes He Says No

I was reading a book about John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, as I came across an intriguing section. It was an innocent enough situation, where two boys had run away from home after their parents death. Johnny had gone out to bring them back, and when he had found them this conversation ensued, (this is partway through the conversation)

(little boys first) "Well, when Pa died we all hurt bad inside. When Ma got sick, we all prayed for her to get well. You always told us that God is listening and answers all our prayers."

"That's true, I believe that He does and I share the word with others."

"Well, we prayed to God that our ma would get better, and then she died. God didn't answer our prayers. He didn't listen."

"Oh yes, lad. God listened. But sometimes, just sometimes, God has to say no."

Sometimes, even though I already know, having someone else tell me the truth really makes it sink in. I can be walking along with some fact of knowledge, and someone will walk up and say, "blabber blabber blah" which results in a figurative (or literal) reeling around clutching for something to grab, as the truth blatantly cracks my efforts to bury, or otherwise deny, it's existence.

In this case, although I already knew God says "no" as an answer to prayer sometimes, just reading this little section brought to light that I haven't exactly applied that truth to my life; at least in depth.

It's not so hard talking to God about problems, things, people, people problems, and everything else, which usually includes problems. But too often I come with a preconceived idea of what the solution should be. I already "know" what should happen, or what the "good" outcome will be. All that remains is to pray "that it should be so, that it will go good, that this will happen". Then when something goes "wrong" I'm moping around asking God why this happened. I prayed with faith that God could do it, I knew He could, and what was right should have happened, why'd it go wrong?

Maybe I should apply the fact that God says no sometimes.

God says no to this minuscule human, on a wee planet, orbiting a little star, inside a small galaxy, which is but a part of the universe He controls. He has good reason to say no sometimes.
How, do I even dare think I can ask God to do something I've figured out will work wonderfully? I see the world six feet from the ground. (yeah, I am kind of glad to be able to say that :) That's higher than some people, and shorter than a lot of others. But it is only a few feet. I do not even have the perspective to see over the next large bump, let alone a hill or a mountain. Obviously God has a vantage point that I don't.

I'm not trying to say we shouldn't pray that so-and-so will get better, or that this class would "go well" or whatever. It's good to practice a reliance in prayer on God. What I''m getting at is that when God says no, we shouldn't immediately perceive that things have gone wrong. Things just didn't go our way, and we are obviously not always right. I need to accept God's way and pray that His will be done, not mine. Ultimately, God works all things for the good of those who love him, and have been called to His purpose. (Romans 8:28) If we follow Him, we ought to conform to His purpose which will be fulfilled in the end. Why do I question everything He does in between?

Sometimes God says no, and I'm okay with that. After all, it just means that I was wrong. I've been wrong for a lot of things, so there shouldn't be any surprise about that now, right?

Trust God, even when He says no.


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