
As much as I now appreciate sunrises, sunsets still hold more sway with me. Most importantly, it's a lot easier to be awake to see them. Building on that, it's also a lot easier to think during them :-)

To get right out with it, sunsets are just another way I witness God's glory; as is so in many other situations. The fact is, I cannot get over how beautiful, intricate, and gorgeous sunsets are so often. And maybe it's cliche, but the fact is I cannot get over how beautiful, intricate, and gorgeous the God who paints the sunset is.

Here's something to try the next time you watch a sunset. Look for a few moments and then look away. Try to picture the sunset in your mind. Now here's the best part, look back at the sunset! It's so much better than what my mind can remember, that it's like being amazed all over again.

While that is fun in an earthy sense, I find that I look away from the sunset all to often, for an earthy reason.

I like to think that God lets us see a watered down version of his glory through sunsets. For whatever reason though, I look away frequently. Maybe it's a chill breeze, or a bothersome bug. Maybe I just shift my position, but whatever it is, to often I let distractions come between me and my focus on God.
Something bombards my mind, until I am convinced to look away from the glory. Then my mind fabricates a false picture of that glory, and pretends that that is enough for me while I go about life.

Let me tell you, it is not.

I've carried the idea that I can live a life for God, but with false and self-made pictures for Him, and it doesn't work. Sometimes, I'd say supernaturally, I'm incurred to turn back around. To take another look at that sunset, after having been disappointed again by my picture. Turning from my picture of additions and clumsy colors, back to the mind blowing and awesome truth. The truth that the sunset is better than I thought, yet again.

And your life will be changed by it.

It's as simple as that.


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