
I'm not the type of person that gets up early enough to see the sunrise. Because of that, I've seen very few sunrises in my life, and none of them seemed to amazing. This only dampened future efforts to observe the sunrise. However, a few nights ago I was camping outside and having a hard time sleeping. When I looked up, the sky was a gorgeous red.

Due to grogginess, it took awhile to process what this meant. My thoughts went something like this.

"Bluh....wait, wha? Why is the sky red? It's can't be the sunse...whoa! That's the sunrise!"

Since I couldn't sleep anyway, I decided to watch the show in full screen mode, by a tree. It wasn't to cold, but there was a chill wind. My solution? Turn my construction-worker orange and black mummy style sleeping bag upside down, and wrap that around myself like a coat. Worked like a charm. Still, I was hoping no one would go by on the gravel road and mistake me for a giant orange mutant caterpillar :-)

That's the first sunrise that totally blew me away. The wind almost did literally. While I watched though, I couldn't help but think about God, which is the main reason I love watching sunsets. Here are my thoughts.

The christian walk has some things in common with sunrises. If we are the sun in a sunrise, (a son, or a daughter, even if daughter isn't a play on words) then the closer to God we get, the higher we are, and the brighter we will shine. It's also easier to warm the world with God's love. Clouds of evil can obscure us, but cannot put us out. Those same clouds can be confusion, or corruption that we create ourselves. When we evaporate, or adopt too much of the world, it creates obscuring clouds. Let it go. Get rid of that nasty water-cloud of the world that's obscures your purpose. There is no way to warm the world with God's love if there's a giant cloud of worldliness blocking us.

With God as the sun in a sunrise though, (and he is indeed the son) the longer and more time we spend learning the intricacies, the more glory we will see. We are of the world, while God is not of this world. Obviously he effects the world though, and to a God evaporates the clinging water, the gunk of our lives. Yet sometimes he allows a cloud to roll in. Take heart and have faith though, for if you stand through the rain, the reward is very great. He will unveil his glory all the more through and after your perseverance.
I couldn't look at the sun once it rose. (historically, the son was seen once it/he rose though) Eventually God will show up in all his glory, and in earth terms we would simply be blinded, yet with God we would be struck dead. The key word is would. That is the good news. When God finally comes in all his glory, we will neither be blinded or killed. Instead he will take us with him, and get this, we will be given glorified bodies, just so we can look at him and not die. How awesome is that?

Imagine it. Being able to look straight at the sun, and not feel a lick of pain. Not only that, but able to see detail, incredible detail. The best part? It will be the son, and not just some lousy sun.

So now I appreciate sunrises as well.
Although I still see very few of them :-)


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