
Showing posts from October, 2010

Two Rats: A Short Story Of Injustice

Due to having no fully thought-out thoughts, (right now anyway) here is yet another story. This was written several years ago. Yes, I'm having to dig down into the archives quite a ways now. It's supposed to be written like the script for an on-stage performance, with a narrator reading the parts that aren't acted. Enjoy :-) Two Rats: A Short Story Of Injustice The setting is a snug little study, lit only by a warm, gently glowing lamp. A desk with papers sits in one corner, with papers scattered on top. “Ey Krinktail, suppose we write a story, what are we going to write about?” Krinktail looked up at Bentclaw. “Well… I think we should write about rats.” “I think that’s a great idea! The rats can be the good guys and lets have, oh, how about a pig for a bad guy?” Krinktail thought for a second. “I like that idea. You know, why are rats always the bad guys? I mean, it’s not right, rats should be the heroes sometime.” “You’ve got a point there, well our story will have

Of Darkness & Peace

I wrote this scene yesterday, and finished editing today. It's meant to go with music. I used the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: Davy Jones song, as background music to write this. It goes okay, but I'm working on a song that will fit it more closely. Enjoy. :-) Of Darkness & Peace He lay, the babe, silent and undisturbed. In his cradle next to the fire, which was glowing with a soft orange light. His surroundings bespoke of a simple livelihood in the forest. Cabin of logs, various woodsmen tools, dried plants and herbs hanging from rafters. Yet, the family was not home at the time. They would not return. The darkness was settling in, and the flames were burning lower. The babe was alone and unprotected. And the sun set, leaving not but shadows behind. Beyond the walls of the cabin, beyond the small clearing, darkness became oppressive in the forest, with only a thin slice of moon to see by. Over the twisted roots of looming trees galloped a dark hor

Twenty-Eight Principles (1-page)

October 20, 2010 Twenty-Eight Principles There are few indeed who have not heard of the Founding Fathers, at some point. Each lived an exceptional life that influenced thousands, and continues to influence each generation of new Americans. Separately, they teach important lessons, but it is together that perhaps their greatest influence comes across.             Together, the Founding Fathers put together America’s government, the accomplishment of which resulted in the strongest and most prosperous nation there has ever been. This was made possible by about twenty-eight different principles that the Founders built on. These overlapped somewhat, but without separation they would become to complex to be of much use.             These principles addressed such things as, man’s unalienable rights, what the government was and was not supposed to do, and reasons for basing the government on the ideas they were proposing. Each and every principle built on the previous principles, or added

John 3:30

I love John 3:30, "He must become greater, I must become less." Love it. So often I hear the lesson that's it's not about me. Not about you. Not about us. So often, and in so many different and forceful ways, that really it all just sort of gets acknowledged and then shoved out of the way. It's nothing new. I've been thinking about that lately, and ended up asking myself some other questions with just a slight change. Why should it be about me? How could it be about me? What good would it be if it was about me ? Though I certainly thought of answers, when I sought the root of them it was all quite pathetic. Back to John 3:30. It says I must become less. Not that I don't matter. The objective is becoming less than God. Working to be humble and reminding myself that it's not about me isn't a bad thing. It isn't about me, that's very true. The point though, is not that it isn't all about us, but that it is all about God . He

Truth... (part 3...)

"Hmm," is not a good way to start out, but that's sure what I'm thinking. 1 Peter 3:15a, reminds me, "But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." And at this point it's not knowing what the reason is, but, where to start ? There are enough reasons for why I believe in a literal view of the bible, along with Christ, that an in-depth explanation could go on for many posts. So, I'll enlist the help of some bullet points and launch from there. First off, the bible is recognized as the most accurate historical document we have. Archeological digs have found several towns spoken of in the bible, and the two match up. That's fairly hefty, but what is really amazing is that the bible was written over fourteen hundred years or so, by about forty different writers. (inspired by God) Writers that wrote the most accurate and non-contradictory

Truth... (part 2!)

Earlier I said that God exists. That the argument between God and no God is big enough to need a separate post for itself. So, I decided to start with that. Why do I believe that God exists? And more specifically, the Christian God? While the former isn't to difficult to answer, the latter would take a long time because of so many reasons, so I'm not promising a complete discourse on that. To sum up the ending, (which I'm using as a beginning) it really comes down to simple faith. And by "simple" I mean Hebrews 11:1, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Because, what created the universe? What started it all? What was there, and always was there, that never had anything else that made it? That's what simple faith is in. Simple faith can believe that the universe has always been here, nothing was before it. Simple faith can believe that nothing was before God, and that he made the universe. Despite the m

Truth... (part 1?)

Alas! For the freedom to write unprohibited, and without the chains of grammar, proper capitalization, paragraph spacing, and a logical/organized structure. None of which are necessary to lay out thoughts. And yet without which, those same thoughts come across as only a blob of unintelligible daydreams. To a good many anyway. Thus, despite many spikes of interest, half of the material brainstormed for the written word, ends up falling away in the process of transferring it to a readable state. Enough bemoaning. I do actually have a few feeble sparks flitting about, trying desperately to connect themselves and exist in something of an understandable form. But only a few, so I've stuffed logical/organized structuring under the couch, that being the heaviest object to first pop into mind. He always takes the most work. After which I wrote far to much of my post without the dastardly/needed/brain-impeding/essential/annoying/necessary guidelines of his buddies, and have ended up wit

Small Error

I was in a group a while ago, making Halloween plans. As I've never done it myself, it was rather entertaining to help others plan. Somebody brought up the idea of carting around a door to put in front of others houses, so that when the housebound candy-givers answered, they'd be faced with a door upon opening their own. Long story short, one of my buddies was spitting out words a little to fast at this point, and came out with, "And Jesus is asking you to come into his heart!" Of course his small... error was realized. Usually it's supposed to come out something like this, "And Jesus is asking if he can come into your heart." Now that's not in a literal sense; Jesus doesn't appear from somewhere and inhabit your pumping muscle known as the heart. He indwells your spirit, in spirit form. John 14:16-17 says, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept

Grow (song)

These are the first lyrics of a four part song I'm writing. "I Do Not Fly" (check the month of August) is actually being revised and is part two, being renamed to "Approach". And no, guild doesn't really rhyme with child. Oh well. Voice contortion can do an awful lot. Enjoy :-) Grow I’m just a boy The world is a toy I’m so filled with joy And seeing no ploy Eyes filled with wonder Taking in the world asunder Hearing the sound of thunder I’m no pretender Why should I care About anything else What else is there But to live and be happy Is there something more Why should I care about that Bridge – Instrumental – Key Change I’m no child now I can do it, and I’ll be proud I will live life loud Stepping ahead of the crowd Yet I’m older Perhaps a little bolder Expand the border Time to disrupt the order And time to ponder Why I’m in this world yonder Is there any greater honor A way to live longer Why should I care About anything else What else