Truth... (part 1?)

Alas! For the freedom to write unprohibited, and without the chains of grammar, proper capitalization, paragraph spacing, and a logical/organized structure.

None of which are necessary to lay out thoughts. And yet without which, those same thoughts come across as only a blob of unintelligible daydreams. To a good many anyway. Thus, despite many spikes of interest, half of the material brainstormed for the written word, ends up falling away in the process of transferring it to a readable state.

Enough bemoaning. I do actually have a few feeble sparks flitting about, trying desperately to connect themselves and exist in something of an understandable form. But only a few, so I've stuffed logical/organized structuring under the couch, that being the heaviest object to first pop into mind. He always takes the most work. After which I wrote far to much of my post without the dastardly/needed/brain-impeding/essential/annoying/necessary guidelines of his buddies, and have ended up with far more than I first intended to write about.

To quell the squabbling ideas from swarming me, and rendering my brain entirely unable to plan any sort of cohesive post, I climbed a little higher than them. To the plateau of hopeful entertainment of the masses, through the route of excessively long, and imaginative introductions.

What will follow now, with that all accomplished, is hopefully a more concise explanation of the few ideas that managed to follow. (although it probably won't be)

The end of my previous post had the passage from John 8:32, which says, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Which with John 14:6, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.", is an interesting combination.

For a long time I never fully understood what the implications would be, taken literally. Which I do. "I am the way". Okay, I understand that, and that He is life, and no one coming to the Father except through him. Yet, "I am truth" just takes a little more. I've always viewed truth as an idea, or fact, not....someone.

To take a round-a-bout, long way of coming at the idea, consider the following.

Truth has always existed, the problem has been finding it, or accepting it. Two plus two equals four, and that's easily accepted. I mean, even taking into account mathematics beyond my imagination. Without adding anything to the equation, we know there's only one solution. And infinite wrong solutions.

But that doesn't mean what applies to arithmetic applies to everything! Um.... doesn't it? Honestly, it can be argued. Honestly, I'm still trying to figure out how multiple paths to god (not capitalized) can all be true.

God and no God are in direct conflict. If one is right, then it automatically makes the other wrong. It's easy to see that. If those were the only two ideas in existence, then knowing the truth wouldn't be so hard. Because....well, God exists. That's enough of an argument that I'd like to save that Pandora's box for another post, covering why I believe that. The point is, everything that follows is being based on God's existence, not the God of Christianity, yet, but God.

The problem is that while God's existence is accepted by large masses, nearly everything about him as a Being is argued. It's like God is made out to be a map, with which you can pick and choose what route you want, or even make your own crazy path.

So assuming that a God (a single God) exists, he is above everything. He existed before the universe, for eternity past, and always will exist. Why would would someone with no need or want for anything, completely satisfied for who knows how much of eternity, (a long time indeed) create a universe? I have no idea. But he did. Because of those interesting above statements, the only reason I've thus far discovered is that he had a purpose.

Now, before all this even existed, truth was kind of narrow. Truth is God, because there wasn't anything else that existed so that it could be truth. John 1:1-2 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."

Taken with study, "the Word" becomes Jesus. "I am truth."

And now I understand a little better. Jesus never said, "Hey! Listen to me! I know some truth! I can tell you some stuff that's true!" He quite clearly stated that He was truth. Literally. And that, is a unique statement. Maybe it seems like he was an egoist, but he never trampled on people with his divinity. He came to save the lost, and bah gum, if you're the truth there's really no other way to put it.

Unlike much that's seen as truth, like grass that's supposed to be green, life being fair, and caffeine as a life source, Jesus is not illusory.

So like I said, I stuffed logical/organized structuring under the couch. Which, ended up with no real point or conclusion. As a heads up, there are a few more posts like this along the way. And I'm hoping that through them, this post will seem less of a ramble and more of an introduction.


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