John 3:30

I love John 3:30, "He must become greater, I must become less."

Love it.

So often I hear the lesson that's it's not about me. Not about you. Not about us. So often, and in so many different and forceful ways, that really it all just sort of gets acknowledged and then shoved out of the way. It's nothing new. I've been thinking about that lately, and ended up asking myself some other questions with just a slight change.

Why should it be about me? How could it be about me? What good would it be if it was about me?

Though I certainly thought of answers, when I sought the root of them it was all quite pathetic. Back to John 3:30. It says I must become less. Not that I don't matter. The objective is becoming less than God. Working to be humble and reminding myself that it's not about me isn't a bad thing. It isn't about me, that's very true. The point though, is not that it isn't all about us, but that it is all about God.

He must become more, I must become less, we are slaves to righteousness, heirs of God, new creations in Christ, none of it says we are nothing. Created in the image of God, capable of accepting Christ and having a relationship with him, created to do good works, it all says we are something.

So being honest, that is really just a different, and forceful way to bring up the conclusion to something else you've already heard, something else I brush off to often.

The focus, is God. If I simply stopped thinking so much about how it's not about me, and turned to follow Christ and live for him instead... wonder of wonders! It's not about me anymore. And I didn't even try to make it that way.

"He must become greater, I must become less."


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