Of Darkness & Peace

I wrote this scene yesterday, and finished editing today. It's meant to go with music. I used the Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest: Davy Jones song, as background music to write this. It goes okay, but I'm working on a song that will fit it more closely. Enjoy. :-)

Of Darkness & Peace

He lay, the babe, silent and undisturbed. In his cradle next to the fire, which was glowing with a soft orange light. His surroundings bespoke of a simple livelihood in the forest. Cabin of logs, various woodsmen tools, dried plants and herbs hanging from rafters. Yet, the family was not home at the time. They would not return. The darkness was settling in, and the flames were burning lower. The babe was alone and unprotected. And the sun set, leaving not but shadows behind. Beyond the walls of the cabin, beyond the small clearing, darkness became oppressive in the forest, with only a thin slice of moon to see by.

Over the twisted roots of looming trees galloped a dark horse, while above, with his cloak of black billowing about him, rode the man. Wind scoured his face, sending dark hair flowing back. Branches reached out, scratching at his resolute, determined face. They would not stop him. Pain was irrelevant, he could not fail this task. Now what was that up ahead? There! A cabin was in sight. A mighty burst of speed, and horse and rider were into the clearing. The man jumped down, ran to the door, and flung it open.

He lay, the babe, silent and undisturbed. The fire was only glowing coals now. Just enough to illuminate the small cradle. The man hesitated, then stepped forward quickly and gently picked the babe up, tucking him under his cloaked arm. Not a moment to lose. Whirling around, the man dashed to his steed and leaped up in one motion. As he kicked his heels, there came an unearthly yell from the surrounding darkness. Shadowy figures were racing towards him! Pebbles flew from beneath his horse’s hooves, while behind, the shadows gave chase upon steeds of their own.

The man in black rode with great urgency, the pursuers, with frenzy. They were gaining. Yet he was so close! Around huge rocks, leaping fallen trees, no! They mustn't catch him. The breath in his lungs was not enough, the cries behind him wailing, filling him with dread, his horse now foaming, but up ahead lay safety. No time to slow, not now. Then the crack of hooves on wood sounded, and he was across the bridge, and into the castle, and into the courtyard. At last, safe, the screams behind receding into the blackness of the night forest.

He lay the babe, silent and undisturbed, into a cradle. The orange fire spread warmth through his limbs. Now, he had time. Now he studied the babe, the one worth risking his life for. The child that would bring peace to the land. The Peace Child.


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