If You Want A Blog For Yourself Post

I don't think I've inspired anyone to start a blog. More likely reading my posts deters others from reading blogs altogether :-)

However, I wrote a post about keeping a journal, something I'm not real good at, so I thought, "hey why not write a post about starting a blog too? What with my lack of knowledge on both subjects, I should be able to make this post at least equal to the other."

First off, with a blog comes a reasonable amount of commitment. If you're a Christian, the decision of whether or not to start a blog should involve prayer. If you're not a Christian, why not trying a prayer every now and then? You might feel let down, but then again....you might not.

A couple of questions should probably be resolved during the above time of decision. Such as:

What is my blog going to be about?
This would mean whether the blog will be about your life, topics you're interested in, or concerned about, your personal insights, a fan-blog about someone or something else, and any number of other possibility's and combination's of those possibility's.
If you're unsure about what you'll write about or post, then logically you can see how commitment to the blog will become a problem. I know mostly what I'm writing about, and yet, looking at my post dates, you can see how horribly I keep my hopefully-every-other-day post rate. I can imagine that I'd simply give up without any idea what I was writing about.
Following that, it would be good to decide how many post you're aiming for approximately, a month. Or however you want to calculate it.

So you want a blog. You've decided on it. Maybe you've walked through my not-so-amazing and hardly groundbreaking questions, and maybe not. Feel free to use your own questions on yourself. Anyway, the point is you're going to write one. Free blog hosting sites are easy to find, and most of their sign-up processes are practically as easy as setting up a facebook account.
Here's a few of the most used blog hosting sites. Sorry, I don't know how to embed a link so you can just click on it and go there. I'm not so tech-savvy as that :-)

This is the site I use. I guess that's pretty obvious. It's nothing fancy, but it's easy to use and not complicated. I don't have to worry about extras junk. Also, this isn't particularly the nicest blog site that I've seen, it's just the one I ended up using. I have to admit, it's not to bad though.

I looked at this one when I was considering what hosting site to use. It looks like it might be nicer than blogger, and better for learning to write. I don't think it's as widely used as blogger though.

I don't personally know much about this one, but my brother says it's pretty good looking. It kind of looks a little more complicated to me. There's also something you can download that's supposed to be helpful too, if you want. That's at www.wordpress.org

This looks very nice. A blog of simpleness, with some good customization for aesthetic taste. I almost wish I'd used this instead.

Looks pretty good. I don't really know anything about it though.

Those are the blog sites that come up pretty quick, and look like the top of the pile in use-ability and looks. Once you've decided on one, or some other blog site, you're all set to go. Most sign-ups only require a password, which email you'll use, and a blog title, which can probably be changed later. Note that you won't be able to change the web address you choose for your blog, only the title. Then maybe a background template and other "looks" stuff for your blog. God bless!

Thank you for reading, I hope I've been of some help!


  1. Thanks for the advice! Imitation is the best form of flattery, right? One addition: I tried blog.com first and was quite frustrated. When I tried to go to my page, it kicked me to some odd site about the legalization of marijuana. Not even remotely similar! So I am using (and loving) blogger.com.

  2. Yikes. Well, happy blogging! I'm glad to have helped a little :-)


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