Happy New Years

So I want to do one last post before the year is done. But that's a poor reason to post. No post is necessary unless it is conveying a message or something of importance, right? Well maybe.

Because I hope that when you read this blog, two things occur: one, that the post is relevant and influential, and two, that by reading a post, you become more liable to come back again because it was an enjoyable read, and you liked it.

Both are important, because without one, the other becomes rather useless. Without enjoying the read, there really is no incentive to come back for another dose of poorly written, uninteresting or irrelevant stuff. And without the stuff with substance to it, there really is no point for me to be writing it, because it's pretty much a waste of time.

That said, I think about you often. I wonder at what lives you must lead, if my blog grants some reassurance, or whether it has helped. I picture people that I know, and reflect their convoluted, unique lives and dreams onto my mental image of you. At that point, when I write, I really do write to you, as a friend to a friend. Not as a comment to a facebook friend, or writing in the world of texting and shorthand, but with real care and concern. You matter to me. Without readers, what is a blog? It's nothing.

Do I know who you are? Except for one or two, no. Do I know how many you are? Not really, even though stats can give a rough idea. The act of writing in a personal, longhand way, is largely a part of how I can still care about you, without knowing you. It's not creepy because of that either, because I choose to write, to write for many, and not just one shadowy figure.

So hurrah for the New Year, I truly look forward to writing for you. I hope that you look forward to reading.

Also of possible interest, and because this post was quite short, here is last year's New Years post: High Resolution


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