Shrunken To An IMAX

An IMAX movie is so cool to see. I mean ya go in there, in that giant room, and there's the screen. Only it's a giant wall, or the whole curved roof. You just kind of settle down in a seat, and the atmosphere is just so much fun. Anticipation for what's coming. There's one thing I don't get though.

Going to see a 3-d IMAX, about nature. Really? Twenty dollars to go see nature in 3-d?

Come on... we live in 3-d nature. Instead of pining for the feeling of nature pushing against our faces, we could just accept that we are standing in it. The sky is a bigger screen than anybody will ever make in history. IMAX ain't got nothin' on the sky. It's like a little seven inch netbook next to a, well a sky screen.
After mulling over this incredibility, the only reason I can fathom for this inexplicable scenario, is that we pay to see it... limited.

In other words, it's too big for us to take in unless it's shrunken.

Is that the way it's supposed to be? If we could just manage to absorb the vastness of creation...think with me for a minute, the human body. Yada yada, God created it, (awesome) yada yada, it evolved. Never-mind that whole scenario, what about the lungs? They're shaped differently, so that the left one can add an extra layer of protection for the heart. The whole idea of blood meeting air and interacting with it in a normal and healthy way is bizarre. Or the lymphatic system. The body is so efficiently jam packed, that the lymph system doesn't even have a pump to move it. It's just designed so that your muscular movement pushes it around, all over the body. No wonder exercise is so beneficial. Or the kidneys, filters so mighty, they last a lifetime. Or what about the brain? This one's staggering. Every nerve in the brain is interlaced so that instant communication with any of the billions in there is possible. Yeah.

All of this, and so much more, is compacted into the most efficient size possible by making it irreducibly complex, a process that needs every part available to work, yet remains ridiculously efficient, despite it's small size.

Now with the human body as the pinnacle of creation, try imagining all the animals and creatures and insects and trees and shrubs and chemicals and the earth minerals and the billions of stars and the thousands of galaxies and it's all one universe that we live in.

And we need it shrunken in order to attempt to appreciate it. But appreciating the shrunken view is not the same as appreciating creation as a whole. If we could appreciate creation as a whole, understand it, step back, out of our existence, out of creation, and just see it all, we'd have no need for faith.

So I think, that this is the way it's supposed to be. Faith is insubstantial with perfect understanding. Without some shrunken understanding, some grip and reason, faith is also insubstantial. We're wired with the desire to understand, yet we cannot quite comprehend, so we try something shrunken, something manageable. I wonder how we got that way.

The difference is in our position. We live in creation, with everything swallowing us up in vastness. So, we'll just squish it into a screen, sit outside of it, and then blow it up again so we can feel like we're stepping into the creation we understand. We the creators, understand what we have created, but outside of the theater exists reality. It's not shrunken to an IMAX.

There's no reason to spend twenty dollars on a nature IMAX. Understand what you can, search hard for truth, and have faith.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)


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