A Lack Of Words

It may or may not be obvious, but I have had few words to say recently. Of course one can default to chalking up a list of tasks and duties and claim the excuse of having no time available, (a list I've been guilty of bringing up) but logistically, there's time. A half hour is all it takes. Maybe it's that half hour at ten-thirty that should be spent sleeping.... but it's doable. No, despite busyness, it's not the busyness' time consuming properties that limit my words, it's the lack of thought time that comes from being so busy.

And while that's true, busyness does not seem to be the limiting factor of my words right now. Here's a song by MercyMe, with some amazing lyrics. Word Of God Speak

The song is filled with good words and backed with some good music too. It starts and ends with these words: "I'm finding myself, at a loss for words, and the funny thing is, it's okay."

I find it quite easy to get caught up in propagation of words, just thinking of things that are good to know, that I want others to hear. Hoping that I can do some good with my words. With my gift. Is it really so hard to remember that the best words will not be mine, but Gods? Word of God Speak, pour down like rain, and wash these eyes so that I can see. That is salvation and I can offer no words better than them. Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me." And while at first it may sound narrow and intolerant, (which it is) would you rather have a whole bunch of gods demanding impossible things, or just one? One that also offers salvation free, a gift by which your efforts can never earn.

I agree that Jesus is a narrow viewpoint. He said it himself in Matthew 7:13, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

This doesn't mean that my whole mindset is narrow, doesn't meant that I can't see the side that others take. I enjoy looking at things from an evolutionary viewpoint, because, to be frank, it helps me to see its holes all the better. The easiest way to understand someone else rapidly, is to learn what they believe. What they really believe, and then look at their situation from that point of view. To get back to the point though, (which I never really had) the bible offers a view on the world, which studied in an exegetical way, has answers that are remarkably relevant to every aspect of life. My own words can't really do any better.

So....even though I can write a lot of words, and make some paragraphs, and hopefully write something intriguing for others, I'm finding myself at a lack of words. Words that I've been truly brewing over anyway. And, the funny thing is, it's okay.

Because in a day or two, I will.


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