Hello, My Friend

Short piece I wrote tonight, from the perspective of someone questioning who is really their friend, and who is simply an acquaintance. Meant to hopefully feel relevant for many people.

Hello, my friend.

Let's skip talking about work, school, the weather, or how we are doing, you know that question is never answered truthfully anyway. Instead, let's talk, for real.

Let's talk about the silly little things that make us happy, about the infinitesimally pathetic things that irk us, about the oddest things that get our hopes up, about our dreams that we don't think will happen that we still think about. Let's... actually talk.

Can we forget the formalities? Skirt around the obstacles of politeness? Dare to be so into each other that we come away with a true feeling of fellowship?

My friend, would you like to... really talk? So many I've asked, so many have turned away.
I thought of you, because for some reason you are dear to my heart. Please tell me, that there's something different with you. That you are not dark, unwilling to share your heart.

Hello. Are you really my... friend?


  1. I've felt this, out something like it, many times. So many people are hurting and confused. So very few are brave enough to show their real face. Everybody else acts like they got it all together so we act like we do to. Everybody communicates. Few actually connect.

  2. That's exactly what I was thinking about as I wrote this, thanks for noticing.

    You might like this other post on sylvawolf's blog.


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