The Pursuit Of Happyness (poem)

Normally I try to keep my poems/weird inspirations down to one a month. For some reason or other, that just doesn't seem to be applying to February. And so, for better or worse, here is yet another poem. This one was particularly inspired by the movie of the same name that I watched this night. I would recommend watching the movie, although it isn't one of my favorites, despite being made extremely well. It's simply a hard movie to watch. Good though. Anyway, I do hope you find the poem interesting and that you end up liking it. Enjoy.

The Pursuit Of Happyness
What is hope,
Without happiness?

Or what is happiness,
Without hope?

Is it dead?

Dry, withered, and stiff,

And so what is life,
Without hope,
Without happy?

What is life,
With a single piece missing.

Can we choose to be happy,
While trying to hope?
For without a true hope,
From where comes the happy?

Can we choose to have hope,
While trying to be happy?
If we're trying to be happy,
Is that a true hope?

Will you tell me,
The answers please?

Do you believe your hope,

I'm asking you now,
Because I've asked myself too,
What is the truth?
For I couldn't believe another.

Because my old hopes have failed me,
Left me dry, withered, and stiff.
My old happiness has left me,
Like a breath of stale air.

Don't get me wrong,
I believed in them, yes.
True in my mind,
And true enough to pursue.

But again I will say,
It was just stale air.
Enough to make, and go, and breath,
Until at the end something just wasn't there.

I've finally found something though,
Something here, and something near.

I realize now, that Happiness has no y,
It comes from when there is no reason for why.
Happiness only comes from something,
Given, like from you to I.

And as for Happy, it has no I,
For I've not brought it, it's already being done.
It can't be made, it's already here,
And if I'm to be happy, I must forget I.

That's not a sad thing, there's still You!
Happiness involves giving, including a little i.

So what really would be hope,
Without all of happiness?

Or what really would be happiness,
Without hope?

Can you tell me the answers?
Or will you now simply say,
That the answers are not certain,
Maybe no one can tell.

Are the answers not certain?
Are you certain that they're not certain?

The Pursuit Of Happyness,
Implies an Uncertainty,
And I know what I think you know too,
And that is true happy,

Comes without pursuit.

Tell me your answers, please!
Do you believe them?
Or are they worth belief?
I love you so, now I beg,

Don't just let it go.


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