Same (poem)
As I walked outside to do this evenings chores, my mind ran off and left rationalization behind. Consequently, what follows is a pathetic and lame scraping together of what I did not immediately race inside to start writing. I am quite mad with myself. As a writer, NEVER EVER GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT A PEN AND PAPER. EVER. I say that with every ounce of urgency I can use with simple caps. one moment I was staring at the fading not-so-amazing sunset, and the next, everything I had composed disappeared faster than turds down the toilet. Actually that's a terrible description. Those thoughts were not turds and turds don't go down fast. Anyway, if you're still curious as to what those words might've been, read on. I sincerely hope that they may spark your own inspiration into rewriting them and/or your new words into something truly magnificent.
My lame title is "Same"
end the tyranny
end the pain
I will not remain the same
break the restriction
clear jurisdiction
restitution is clear
all can hang
I refuse to be framed
no more with the zang
that was lame
all the same
I will reclaim what's sane
I don't want to feel slain
like the lamb that bore my name
so end the tyranny
end the pain
I will not remain the same
wait, reclaim the insane
isn't it safer
to be inane?
no, what's the issue
how could it confuse you
could it strangle the obtuse?
Acute is the feeling
never revealing
and while the slain are inane
the insane remain in-grain
(edit, addition)
end the tyranny
end the pain
I will not remain the same
and I will reclaim
what's mine to be gained
despite loss to my name
it's glory to the.... unamed
now all that remains.... though I am the. same.... game?
no. never the same.
(edit, February 7th, addition of recurring chorus verse)
(edit, February 7th, addition of recurring chorus verse)
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