The Lord, Our God

I don't have much today. Since last summer I've been reading through the bible, and I'm nearly finished with the old testament. I've learned a ton, but here is one thing that I thought I'd share.

Early old testament, during the exodus and afterwards, God always talks to the Israelites (us) through Moses. Leviticus 5:14, "The Lord spoke to Moses, saying ...." Leviticus 6:8, "The Lord spoke to Moses, saying..." Leviticus 12:1, "And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying..." Numbers 5:1, "The Lord spoke to Moses, saying..." And so on and so forth over and over again.

It's not subtle. And it's not unintentional. As of yet, I don't know the significance of that though, so I'd love any comments. I believe it has something to do with God pointing out the relationship triangle between God, Man, and Law. Something along the lines of how much people were separated from God at this point.

Then it all changes. After Leviticus and Numbers, the law has been laid out, and while Deuteronomy still has some in it, it's more humanely possible, and seems to be more duty and warning focused than endless rules of constriction. More friendly sounding almost, if that makes any sense. Most notably however, note how God announces himself, after all the law has been delivered and his people are in the promised land. Moses is recounting Israel's history, which is some of why there is a change, but remember also that all scripture is God-breathed, inspired by God.

Deuteronomy 1:10, "The Lord your God has multiplied you..." Deuteronomy 5:2, "The Lord our God made a covenant...." Deuteronomy 5:6, "I am the Lord your God...." Deuteronomy 7:6, "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you..." And so on and so forth over and over again.

Now, I have a thick skull, (which which can be a positive thing) but the sledgehammer repetition is evident. The LORD, YOUR God. He's not about to let us forget the covenant that stands between us, and two things that go with it. One: I am the LORD. Not just a wee little god that can be burnt down like an asherah pole. I'm All-POWERFUL. And two: I am YOUR God. I have chosen you, you agreed to that, and you are mine, you shall have no other gods apart from me.

Thankfully, for those that placed their faith in him, those are both positive points! At this point before Jesus, it could get them in a lot of trouble too, but for us now covered in Christ, those promises are only good news.

The single deity and Almighty Lord of the universe, is also our God. He is with us always.

Good news indeed.


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