It's A F.A.Q.

I graduated today! Below is a F.A.Q. I created to help with crowd control.... the idea was that if there were more people than I could talk at once coming in the door, then some could just read the faq instead.

But mostly I just wanted to make a faq. :-)

Also, I'm going to be a counselor for a summer camp, the same as last year's. I'm hoping to get a post or two in on the weekends, but don't expect more than four, tops. Sorry. Still, the sidebar archive contains over a hundred and thirty posts... (not bragging, just sayin'!) so if you want to, there's probably something you haven't read in there. Those helpful little links even color code for which ones you've clicked on or not.

On to the graduation faq!

                                       (Frequently Asked Questions)

~ Is there a college degree you're looking at? ~

I am prayerfully considering a major in Communications, with an emphasis on writing.

~ Where would you go to get that? ~

One possibility is Central Christian College, in Kansas City. Another possibility is earning the degree through CollegePlus Online.

~ What is CollegePlus? ~

CollegePlus uses CLEP tests and distance learning with coaching together to remove traditional classroom technique. Coaches help you find the right study materials for one CLEP test at a time, then after studying and taking the test, you move on to the next. The result is a streamlined, ridiculously fast, much more inexpensive college alternative.

~ Why wouldn't everyone do it that way? ~

Two reasons. They don't know about it. And, there is no dorm experience. It's you studying for ideally at least four to five hours a day, six days a week, for two years.

~ What do you hope to do with a Communications degree? ~

At the very least, I hope to do a newsletter for a Christian ministry. Ideally, I'll be writing articles for something like WORLD magazine or The Gospel Coalition; really, anywhere that my words will be seen and glory given to God. It is my hope that a communications degree would build me into a proficient public speaker as well.

~ Is that all? ~

Well, I do have a novel with the plot figured out, and all that remains is to write it. Fans of The Princess Bride have much to look forward to. It won't be very similar, but the book is in the same vein. I also maintain my own blog, located at

~ What are your plans for the summer? ~

For the month of June, I will be counseling for Bethany Camp, which is a gospel/Bible camp located in the countryside just south of Exira. Afterwords, I will be focusing predominantly on writing, with secondary objectives consisting of an Ebay business, artwork, and co-producing a musical album.

~ I have the opportunity to grill you with questions, so speak. ~

The written word is my dominate form of expression. The blog is updated about one to three times a week.

~ Is there anything else you'd like to say? ~

Life is not worth living without peace with God. Get right with the literal Bible, Christian God. How can this be done? Surrender your life to Jesus Christ, the living Atonement, Justification, and Sanctification for, and of, our lives.

P.S. No, I don't have a girlfriend. :-)


  1. Extremely informative, even for those of us who couldn't be a part of the stampeding crowd, competing for these answers. ;)


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