
Showing posts from February, 2010

Quality & Quantity Time

After some thought, I've concluded that writing one good quality post as opposed to, say two, bad quality posts is better. There's a fine balance between consistency/quantity and quality. I can't post every day, and feasibly come up with deep, thought-provoking subjects. (if I ever have) Yet on the flip side, one post a week is hardly engaging either. There's always the question of how much I'm trying to put into the whatever-it-is. The problem of quality versus quantity actually applies to a lot of things. Practically everything it seems. Why is that? Of course, you already know I'm going to try to answer that. It seems the balancing of quality and quantity is so prevalent in everyday life, because they have direct value associated with time. One of my favorite quotes goes something like this: Time, something you can't buy, trade, bribe or steal more of. Irredeemable, irreplaceable, and priceless. Isn't it interesting how, in general, what we spend the

Empty Life, Nah, Evidence

Previously I mentioned that the bible is one of the central reasons for my belief in Christianity. To continue, my faith is pretty much the other reason for belief in God. Now, to simply say that sounds quite empty, to me anyway. Why do I simply have faith? My life has changed. More than that....completely transformed by the renewing of my mind. (that comes from Romans 12:2, which taken in context is even more cool) The lifestyle becomes hard to describe. I feel bad because of, and when I sin. Why? Sin is supposed to be fun. My old sinful self still does like sin, and I have to resist temptation. But sin is no longer satisfying for me, even if it ever was before. I feel...anguish over sin now. It's not as simple as that though. Feeling bad about something you do is not just a "christian thing", everyone feels bad about something . I used to live for myself, trying to make myself happy, and I only succeeded in deceiving myself into thinking I was happy temporarily, only t

Empty Talk, Nah, Evidence

After a while, I get tired of people who just talk. I do that, and I get tired of myself. What am I driving at? What's my point? What exactly is it that I'm trying so wordily to show the other? I'm never satisfied with my posts. Although I can get a lot said, or explained, or thought out, I always leave out stuff. I know it isn't realistic to try and cover everything on a given subject, it just bugs me to think that maybe the wrong meaning is being derived from the post because of my incompetence. (which is complete) That said, my science books and studies and observations have been dutifully filling my brain with information to search out the truth of. And having found some, I wanted to post some good, real-life evidence for what I'm always talking about in Barbarians Den. Christianity. Or rather, in this particular post, a little evidence for the accuracy of the bible; one central basis of my belief. Also, I greatly prefer real talk to professional gibberish, and

How Are You?

"Hey, how are you?" "Good, and you?" "Good." Why do we even bother? I mean, I know it's the polite thing nowadays...and it's just a sort of greeting now. It just seems unnecessary most of the time, because quite often the phrase is used in public, and really, what are you supposed to say then, huh? You're not going to break down and spill your guts about what's going on, and most of the time you wouldn't tell the person asking you, even if you were in private. I'm not going to tell just anyone whats been going on lately. But I guess that varies from person to person. There's more than one way the question gets answered naturally. Many people like thinking up a unique answer that puts others off balance with it's difference from the usual. It's interesting to think back on different responses and try to guess the underlying meaning. Like....sometimes the response will be something better than good, say "great",

Happy Valentines Day

No, I'm not posting a mushy love song. Sorry. (I'd be much to embarrassed, so maybe next year) But for Valentines day I thought I'd post my playlist, Every Girl Should Listen To Songs. The songs and links to youtube. They aren't in any particular order. Sorry if you hate youtube, it just works easily for a link to each song. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but it's some favorites that I hope you enjoy. (Girls especially, naturally) Natasha Bedingfield - Freckles Rebecca St. James - Wait For Me Superchick - Princes and Frogs (it's not the underdog mix though, which is better) i am jen - Broken In All The Right Places Superchick - Stand In The Rain (I like the symphonic mix better, but I couldn't find it) Rebecca St. James

Tradition, Habit, And Good Addiction?

Tradition is stifling. Okay.... So far I've written what amounts pretty much to an article, for every post. It's very good for my writing skills, but I also feel like I have to write a whole page on whatever-it-is that I'm writing about. It's just become a tradition. Even though I still want the majority of posts to maintain the same article-like format of my posts, in the future I want the option to simply post links to other good blogs and sites and stuff like that. So today I'm "breaking the habit" of every single post being fully written out with a topic, middle and conclusion. Although, I did like it that way. Basically, I wanted to be able to post links and stuff and not have to chide myself for making less of a post than previous entries. Hmm. Habits can be good. There's a lot of good habits, but I've been wondering, are there any good addictions? I mean, what about being addicted reading? A habit of bible reading is great, but a

Feels Right Puzzle Piece

Have you had the time to put together a puzzle this winter? I hope you have. A good puzzle on a winter night can be really fun and relaxing, especially with someone else you care about. No matter how many puzzles I put together though, there's always a time when I place a piece, and later realize it doesn't go there. Has this ever happened to you? There's this piece, and it looks like it goes in that spot, down to the curves, color and size even, but it doesn't go there. I put it there and it looks right and even feels right. Then I'm amazed when I find an almost identical piece, which turns out to be the actual piece needed. From previous posts you probably know that I like analogies and stuff like that, and you can probably tell where I'm going with this already. But just for the fun of it.... Sometimes things in life seem to be going right. They look right, and in many different ways; but then they're just not. The all important sense of it feeling right

Absence Of Corruption

Last week I was working down in Kansas City, helping to finish a basement. So I offer my apologies for not posting. (The house I stayed in had no computer) After coming home again, I was surprised at how refreshed I felt. How, ready to assume my other duties I was. I had a thought. People are corrupt, that's why we have to get away from each other once in a while. We cannot stand each other for any excessively long period because we're corrupt. Frankly, we tick each other off. Moving from one group to another group of people is refreshing because you haven't been around them yet, but pretty soon they tick you off, and you're ready to go back to the first group again. It's another reason why friendships are hard to keep, and encouraging at the same time. They can become a relationship that goes above the average, and harder for corruption to break. If you're married, you can probably see how corruption affects your relationship. Lying, stealing and deceiving are