Feels Right Puzzle Piece

Have you had the time to put together a puzzle this winter? I hope you have.
A good puzzle on a winter night can be really fun and relaxing, especially with someone else you care about.

No matter how many puzzles I put together though, there's always a time when I place a piece, and later realize it doesn't go there. Has this ever happened to you?
There's this piece, and it looks like it goes in that spot, down to the curves, color and size even, but it doesn't go there. I put it there and it looks right and even feels right. Then I'm amazed when I find an almost identical piece, which turns out to be the actual piece needed.

From previous posts you probably know that I like analogies and stuff like that, and you can probably tell where I'm going with this already. But just for the fun of it....

Sometimes things in life seem to be going right. They look right, and in many different ways; but then they're just not. The all important sense of it feeling right is even there. When the truth shows up though, you see it clearly now, as all wrong. That's it, in cliff notes.

To speculate though, there's got to be more just than feeling. There has to be. After all, everyone has different feelings, so how can they all be so......right? I mean really, feelings change even just listening to different music.
I can't base whether or not to go to work by how I feel. I'd never work. (there's fun to be had in work, especially if you're doing what you like, but you get the idea :-)

So logically, our feelings, while not always wrong, can't be trusted to determine what is right. Following this then, what can determine what is right?
Hmm..... I'm not even on whatever subject I started with now. I will continue this at a later date, but for now, let me conclude.

Someone's probably already said it, but life is like a puzzle. It's like a puzzle with no box cover to help. It's never been done before, and no human created it.
God made my life puzzle and knows where every piece goes. Not only that, He's showing me how to put it together, even thought it's only a single piece in His purpose. Yeah, He made your puzzle too, and He made the gajillion other puzzle pieces of humanity. He's quite capable of helping each person put together their one piece into His-story.

Yeah, putting together a puzzle is relaxing. It reminds me of God, my savior.


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