Quality & Quantity Time

After some thought, I've concluded that writing one good quality post as opposed to, say two, bad quality posts is better. There's a fine balance between consistency/quantity and quality.
I can't post every day, and feasibly come up with deep, thought-provoking subjects. (if I ever have) Yet on the flip side, one post a week is hardly engaging either. There's always the question of how much I'm trying to put into the whatever-it-is.

The problem of quality versus quantity actually applies to a lot of things. Practically everything it seems. Why is that? Of course, you already know I'm going to try to answer that.
It seems the balancing of quality and quantity is so prevalent in everyday life, because they have direct value associated with time.

One of my favorite quotes goes something like this: Time, something you can't buy, trade, bribe or steal more of. Irredeemable, irreplaceable, and priceless.
Isn't it interesting how, in general, what we spend the most time with is what we value most?
It makes perfect sense, given the idea that time is really the one thing we can't get more of, and thus, whatever we've spent the most time with must be valuable to us.

It's like, investing. Take the time we spend with people, there's quality time, and quantity time, and both are precious. All the more precious because the other person is spending their time with you, too. A healthy dose of both types of time is critically needed in a friendship, because any significant loss of either ends up with problems.

Can we honestly say we can have a friendship with someone without spending time together?
Can I honestly say I don't need to spend time reading reading the bible and praying, and still have a friendship with God?

That's essentially what I'm saying when I think, "oh, I'll read the bible later....I don't need to read the bible on Sunday, I go to church......I never know what to pray about......I don't sound good......there's altogether to many things and people to pray for, I feel like I'm letting them down if I leave them out....(which is a really lame reason to not pray, because obviously I'll be letting down everything if I don't pray at all)

Quality and Quantity time. Gotta have both. It applies to so much. Where and what and who will we spend the limited time we have with?

And why?


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