Empty Life, Nah, Evidence

Previously I mentioned that the bible is one of the central reasons for my belief in Christianity.
To continue, my faith is pretty much the other reason for belief in God. Now, to simply say that sounds quite empty, to me anyway. Why do I simply have faith?

My life has changed. More than that....completely transformed by the renewing of my mind. (that comes from Romans 12:2, which taken in context is even more cool)
The lifestyle becomes hard to describe. I feel bad because of, and when I sin. Why? Sin is supposed to be fun. My old sinful self still does like sin, and I have to resist temptation. But sin is no longer satisfying for me, even if it ever was before. I feel...anguish over sin now.

It's not as simple as that though. Feeling bad about something you do is not just a "christian thing", everyone feels bad about something. I used to live for myself, trying to make myself happy, and I only succeeded in deceiving myself into thinking I was happy temporarily, only to find out there was no contentment. No fulfillment. The world is just so empty without God. He came into my life, and changed that. Not that everything is peaceful and easy, but now there is hope. No one can ever take me from his hand. He gives me every spiritual blessing in Christ, (Ephesians 1:3) and that is an empowering strength indeed. (see also the post, God-mode)

I don't have an empty life anymore. I know who is guiding me. I know what I am living for, and I know where I'm going when I die. Because of the evidence I see in others lives and my own, I also know why I believe this.


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