Absence Of Corruption

Last week I was working down in Kansas City, helping to finish a basement. So I offer my apologies for not posting. (The house I stayed in had no computer)

After coming home again, I was surprised at how refreshed I felt. How, ready to assume my other duties I was. I had a thought.

People are corrupt, that's why we have to get away from each other once in a while. We cannot stand each other for any excessively long period because we're corrupt. Frankly, we tick each other off.
Moving from one group to another group of people is refreshing because you haven't been around them yet, but pretty soon they tick you off, and you're ready to go back to the first group again.
It's another reason why friendships are hard to keep, and encouraging at the same time. They can become a relationship that goes above the average, and harder for corruption to break. If you're married, you can probably see how corruption affects your relationship.

Lying, stealing and deceiving are all sin (among many others), and extremely painful in our relationships. Sin is our corruption, and thus, we get annoyed with each other.

But God is not corrupt. He is a complete absence of corruption.

And that is so amazing. Awesome.

When we follow His will and read His word we grow in spirit and character, grow more like his perfect nature. More Christ-like.
While people get tiring though, God is refreshing and invigorating. He isn't corrupt, how can you get tired of Him?
To be truthful though, I have felt like I was tired of God before, but I realize that I was really just tired of myself.

The point basically, is that God is not corrupt, even if we are. If we work on our relationship with God, we'll become more Christ-like, less corrupt, and filled with His Spirit.
Consequently, our friendships with other people can become better, stronger. If you're married, you can probably see how working together to get, and as you get closer to God is incredibly strengthening.

You know what, eventually I'm going to Heaven, I'm going to be with God forever, living with Him where there will be no tears, no suffering, and no pain. I will be with God who is a complete absence of corruption, and I will never ever get tired of Him.

But will I see you there?


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