Tradition, Habit, And Good Addiction?

Tradition is stifling.


So far I've written what amounts pretty much to an article, for every post. It's very good for my writing skills, but I also feel like I have to write a whole page on whatever-it-is that I'm writing about. It's just become a tradition.

Even though I still want the majority of posts to maintain the same article-like format of my posts, in the future I want the option to simply post links to other good blogs and sites and stuff like that. So today I'm "breaking the habit" of every single post being fully written out with a topic, middle and conclusion. Although, I did like it that way.
Basically, I wanted to be able to post links and stuff and not have to chide myself for making less of a post than previous entries.

Hmm. Habits can be good. There's a lot of good habits, but I've been wondering, are there any good addictions?
I mean, what about being addicted reading? A habit of bible reading is great, but addiction just carries a bad sound to it. Addiction seems to carry the idea that you sacrifice others necessities for more time and resources with the addiction.
Still, being addicted to bible reading sounds pretty good, considering some days when I've really not wanted to read it.

Here's some definitions.

- Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance.
- A habitual or compulsive involvement in an activity.
- The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

Compulsive involvement with something. That seems to point more to involuntary urge.
I tend to think, because addiction is something that is inherently binding, that there isn't really such a thing as a good addiction.
Tradition is simply doing something because it's always been done that way, and habit is pretty similar. Both don't break if you don't try, and take a conscious shift to change, but addiction is different. It's hard to break even when you are trying to stop it.

There's a bible verse I'm trying to remember about bondage, and how God hates it, but I can't recall it. Once I find it though, I'll put it on here. (if you know of such a verse, feel free to comment)

Thanks for reading :-)


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